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6. Brown C. Injuries: the psychology of recovery and rehab. In: Murphy S, ed. The sport psych handbook. Champaign, IL: Human Kinetics 2005; 215-235. ISBN: 0736049045 7. Taylor J, Taylor S. Psychological approaches to sports injury rehabilitation. Gaithersburg, MD: Aspen 1997. ISBN: 083420973X 8. Brewer BW, Andersen MB, Van Raalte JL. Psychological aspects of sport injury rehabilitation: toward a biopsychological approach. In: Mostofsky DI, Zaichkowsky LD, eds. Medical aspects of sport and exercise. Morgantown WV: Fitness Information Technology 2002. ISBN: 188569329X 9. Kolt GS, Andersen MB. Psychology in the physical and manual therapies. Philadelphia: Churchill Livingstone Inc 2004;369 10. Williams JM, Andersen MB. Psychosocial antecedents of sport injury: review and critique of the stress and injury model. Journal of Sport and Exercise Psychology 1998;10:5-25 11. Wiese-Bjornstal DM, Smith AM, Shaffer SM, Morrey MA. An integrated model of response to sport injury: psychological and sociological dynamics. Journal of Applied Sport Psychology 1998;10:46-69 12. Arvinen-Barrow M, Penny G, Hemmings B, Corr S. Injured athletes experiences of psychological aspects of rehabilitation physiotherapy: an interpretative phenomenological analysis. Manuscript in preparation 2008 13. Levy A, Polman RCJ, Clough PJ, McNaughton LR. Adherence to sport injury rehabilitation programmes: a conceptual review. Research in Sports Medicine 2006;14:149-162 14. Ford IW, Gordon S. Perspectives of sport trainers and athletic therapists on the psychological content of their practice and training. Journal of Sport Rehabilitation 1998;7:79-94 15. Arvinen-Barrow M, Hemmings B, Weigand DA, Becker CA, Booth L. Views of chartered therapists on the psychological content of their practice: a national follow-up survey in the United Kingdom. Journal of Sport Rehabilitation 2007;16:111-121 16. Brewer BW. Review and critique of models of psychological adjustment to athletic injury. Journal of Applied Sport Psychology 1994;6:87-100 17. Fisher AC, Hoisington LL. Injured athletes’ attitudes and judgements toward rehabilitation adherence. Journal of Athletic Training 1993;28(1):48-54 18. Fisher AC, Mullins SA, Frye PA. Athletic trainers’ attitudes and judgements of injured athletes’ rehabilitation adherence. Journal of Athletic Training 1993;28(1):43-47 19. Niven A. Rehabilitation adherence in sport injury: sport therapists’ perceptions. Journal of Sport Rehabilitation 2007;16:93-110 20. Ievleva L, Orlick T. Mental links to enhanced healing: an exploratory study. The Sport Psychologist 1991;5:25-40 21. Hemmings B, Povey L. Views of chartered therapists on the psychological content of their practice: a preliminary study in the United Kingdom. British Journal of Sports Medicine 2002;36: 61-64 22. Arvinen-Barrow M, Hemmings B, Becker CA, Booth L. Sport psychology education: a preliminary survey into chartered therapists’ preferred methods of training delivery. Journal of Sport Rehabilitation in press 23. Arvinen-Barrow M, Penny G, Hemmings B, Corr S. Interpretative phenomenological analysis in sport psychology: therapists’ personal experiences in using psychological interventions with injured athletes. Manuscript submitted for publication 2008


I, ___________________________ agree to diligently fulfil my responsibilities in the rehabilitation of my injury. These responsibilities include: 1. Taking full control of all aspects of my rehabilitation 2. Precise adherence to the rehabilitation programme designed for me 3. Attendance at all scheduled physiotherapy sessions 4. Completion of all exercises outside the rehabilitation facility 5. Full effort, focus, and intensity with all aspects of my rehabilitation regimen

6. Consistent pursuit of the goals I set in my rehabilitation goal setting program

7. Developing psychological areas that impact my recovery and return to sport (eg. addressing re-injury anxieties) 8. Improving myself as an athlete during rehabilitation 9. Seeking out assistance from others when difficulties arise.


I, ___________________________ agree to diligently fulfil my responsibilities as the rehabilitation professional in the rehabilitation of ___________________’s injury. These responsibilities include:

1. Designing an individualised rehabilitation programme for the injured athlete

2. Educating the athlete about all relevant aspects of the rehabilitation process

3. Helping to establish a series of goals that will progressively lead to full recovery and return to sport

4. Creating a rehabilitation team with other relevant professionals 5. Being sensitive and responsive to psychological and emotional needs 6. Assisting the athlete in overcoming physical and psychological obstacles that may arise during rehabilitation

7. Providing the athlete with the information and skills to facilitate physical, psychological, and performance contributors to a successful return to sport

Athlete Therapist Date Figure 1: An example of a rehabilitation contract (Taylor & Taylor, 1997 (7))

24. Hardy L, Jones G, Gould D. Understanding psychological preparation for sport: theory and practice of elite performers. John Wiley & Sons, 1996. ISBN: 0471957879 25. Weinberg RS, Gould D. Foundations of sport and exercise psychology, 4th ed. Human Kinetics 2007. ISBN: 0736064672 26. Gilbourne D, Taylor AH, Downie G, Newton P. Goal-setting during sports injury rehabilitation: a presentation of underlying theory, administration procedure, and an athlete case study. Sports Exercise and Injury 1996;2:92-201 27. Gould D. Goal setting for peak performance. In: Williams J, ed. Applied sport psychology: personal growth to peak performance. Mayfield, 1993;158- 169. ISBN: 1559341327 28. Bulley C, Donaghy M, Coppoolse R, et al. Sports

physiotherapy competencies and standards: sports physiotherapy for all project 2005.


Monna Arvinen-Barrow is a Senior Lecturer in Sport and Exercise Psychology at the University of Northampton.


For the past 4 years, she has been conducting her PhD research into the role of the therapists in providing psychological support for athletes during injury rehabilitation.

19 Date

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