






by: Zak Zaikine~ • Editors: Karin O’Keefe-Sack and Melanee Reynolds

Sebastopol, CA. ~ So, now we are ready to do our sum- mer garden planning which is a delightful form of life plan- ning when you think about it and a great metaphor for many things.

As the soil

starts to revive and stretch out of winter’s sleepy grip. Our spirits, body-homes, rela- tions and cultures quicken as well. There’s an aw- ful lot of spring cleaning going on, sifting and sorting, stay -go, expand -contract. It seems that no mat- ter how big or small, micro- scopic or glacial we all partici- pate in this seasonal peristaltic ritual. As we have talked about before, the zodiac too moves in that inchworm-way; expand and contract. Now we settle into one of the most fertile earth signs, our first earth sign, Taurus. keeping with our sum- mer garden planning, Taurus natives will continue the tradi- tions of their ancestors and will plant a good crop with a variety of heirloom tomatoes.


for Taurus though since they can focus well and complete the project/ projects at hand.

Te possibilities

are numerous once we

decide to act

and not react. George Bernard Shaw

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“With the new day comes new strength and new thoughts.” ~ Eleanor Roosevelt UPBEAT TIMES, INC. • May 2018 • 31

And speaking of projects at hand, Gemini waiting in the wings reaches in to juggle sev- eral projects all at the same time. EVERYTHING is bright, sparkly and interesting. How many of the old faves do I plant? A big gift- gar- den? A party- garden?


panion planting? Or maybe most- ly flowers and contemplative things.

All of says Taurus.

that fresh enthu- siasm needs to be watered and weeded later But we’re not

thinking of that now Its spring! Its start time! chime the twins. Enter the wisdom of the swing between the signs. It might be- hoove the Gemini to focus on one or two main “garden plans” plant whole rows in case it’s really good and for Taurus to leave a little open patch for that weird little curiosity that might turn out to be nothing or every- thing!

Gemini is fast, a great deal of “Mercurial “power is generated between the two pillared twins. Somehow and in most cases, They imbue the scene with a crazy kind of confidence, bal-

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ancing all of the balls in the air almost indefinitely. They have their own brand of twin-magic. Yet there are those times, most under retrogrades or squares to Mercury when that magic seems like fragmented static, atonal and strange. And here you can experience the wisdom of

true Geminian medi-

cine, a physics trick to move soooo fast that a meditative stillness is created. That which was thought to be lost seems to come through in some form and the message is delivered even if in an encrypted manner. Ethereal is their word. To continue our patterns of deciphering the language of the stars, lets entertain the role that the moon plays in your life. In the chart the moon is our in- terior world, as in a wishing well, you see your reflection. The moon reflects your inner self and the particular sign de- notes the timber and tonal at- mosphere.

On those days when the moon is full, and your day has not gone anywhere close to what you wanted to, find a secluded place and howl in the most pri- mal way that you can even if it is into the crook of your elbow or your pillow. This is your sound , your doorbell to self . If you live in the mountains and

UPBEAT TIMES, INC. • May 2018 • 31

Grumble ... continued from page 26

cell phone discussions while shopping in the narrow isle of a thrift shop? I’ve beckoned managers to ask about store policy, sharing how ‘back in the day’ managers saw it as their responsibility to assure a peaceful environment for all their shoppers. I always get the world to change? Nah. But do I feel better speaking up respectfully for what I value –yes indeed. And in finding others who sympathize along the way, and inspiring further actions.

Grumbling. Not a useful

exercise if that’s all we do. But very useful if we take it seriously, examine what it’s really about, take a stand, and make the world potentially a bit better.

Shine delight, Marcia

your howling has truly found a primal resonance you will get return communications


our wolf and coyote brothers and sisters. Thus helping you to really ground yourself with the family Earth. Continued blessed birthdays Taurus and Gemini!

ten. I pull over and park under a shady tree in a park or quiet street and let the nap do its thing.

15 minutes later I’m a

new man! Not only is it healthy, it really keeps us all safe and a bit more clear headed. People can only help others so much in life too. I personally hope that I make people feel just a little bit better, one issue at a time. Te rest is up to you!

May this issue find you well!

UP to Us! ... continued from page 7

Enter Your Stuff in the

Sonoma-Marin Fair ... continued from page 28

find everything you need on the website at sonoma-marinfair. org/enter_your_stuff.

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