






Natives or Not by Kimberly Childers •

Sonoma County, CA. ~ Planting natives is

all the

rage and for good reason. Natives don’t have the chal- lenges like typical garden plants including pests, wa- ter consumption and fertil- izer. In fact they thrive with proper drainage and specific light requirements. It does seem overwhelming replac- ing everything you’ve grown over the years with natives! Take it slow and have no fear. It isn’t difficult to start mixing and blending them into your planting scheme- with an idea of what you’re hoping to achieve.

I think

you have to just dive in and make some changes. Plant designers and landscape

architects are starting to respect and finally appre- ciate natives and the bio- diversity they offer. Relaxing into the natu- ral habitat can be freeing and perfectly wild. You can begin removing your lawn of thirsty grass a little at a time or hire someone to take it all out and allow the process to begin however daunting

or challenging.

There are so many great undemanding and drought

tolerant natives providing food and shelter for birds

great nurseries. It’s wonder- ful, everyone has a website these

days so

you can almost never leave your desktop and re- design your yard. Don’t rush into it. Take your time and

your choices, placement

research and

information about each specific plant. You can design groups of plants that do well together or

and wildlife, which we love. Our area boasts many re- sources for complete lawn removal as well as many

specimen planting. There are many great books to help and inspire you. Check out Piet Oudolf and Noel Kingsbury, Plant- ing, A New Perspective. This exciting and beautifully illustrated book will open your eyes and souls to the benefits and possibilities of the garden. His amazing talent combining plants and textures

will mystify you.

His fabulous book offers some plans for his gardens and pictures of the plants he used as well. This ‘must- have’ book is for any seri- ous designer, gardener or collector. Creating a time- less garden with the exper- tise of Oudolf’s designs and schemes is perfect. Get in- spired. . .get into it.

Don’t be overwhelmed, take a deep breath and just take it all in. There are so many less demanding spe- cies for your new ‘lawn’. Do you want color, fragrance, height,

ground covers,

grasses or bird and butter- fly plants? You can decide on all these considerations continued on page 22


A packing plant received a load of lettuce to process. The workers grabbed the boxes quickly from the top and the bottoms fell out spilling the produce. The boss yells, grab the boxes by the bottom, or heads are going to roll! ~

Has anyone elses garden- ing skills improved during this quarantine like mine have? I planted myself on my couch at the beginning of March and I’ve grown significantly since. ~

A garden gnome is busy destroying plants when suddenly a house cat appears. “What are you?” asks the cat. “I’m a gnome. I steal food from humans. I kill their plants, and I raise a ruckus at night to drive them crazy. I just love mis- chief! And what, may I ask, are you?” The cat thinks for a moment and says, “I guess I’m a gnome.”

“It is life, I think, to watch the water. A man can learn so many things.” ~ Nicholas Sparks

Summer GUIDE #2 JOKES & Humor #3

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