





4 • September 2018 • UPBEAT TIMES, INC.

“Puttin’ UP” H

umans have been pre- serving

food pre-historic times.

since In

tropical climates ancient people processed food by drying it in the sun. Tose in frozen climates conserved

seal meat by freezing it in ice. Middle


and Orien- tal cultures dried foods as early as

12,000 years ago. Food preserva- tion enabled ancient people to set- up roots in one place and eventu- ally form communities. Fermentation was not invented

but probably discovered. A few grains of barley leſt out in the rain allowing microbes to ferment the starch, turning the sugars into al- cohol and the first beer. Fruits were fermented into wine


spoiling became a signifi- cant


for feed- ing ancient empires and their armies. Egyptian and

Greek forces and the Ro- man legions de- pended on pre- served foods for their movement. During the Middle Ages, returning Crusad- ers brought new fermenting tech- nics from the Middle East back

ball rolling. He offered $ 250,000.00

to anyone who could develop a way to preserve food safely. Near the end of the eighteenth

century, Nicolas Appert, a French brewer and confectioner, discov-

Eat Well & Prosper: by Executive Chef Ron Skaar of Redwing, Mn. ~

and vegetables turned into kim- chi and sauerkraut. Some anthro- pologists believe that mankind changed from nomadic wander- ers into farmers to grow barley to make beer. Developing ways to store and prevent food

with them to Europe. But it took Napoleon, who understood the health value of preserved vegeta- bles for his troops, to get the

ered that if he sealed food in a glass container and then heated the container in boiling water, the food would keep indefinite- ly without spoiling. Tis was the beginning of canning.In 1805, Appert won the contest Napoleon had started. Half a century later, Louis Pasteur illustrated the process, ster- ilizing milk by heating it. Appert’s discovery turns out to be one of the most important


tions, in culinary his- tory. Paraffin was invent- ed in the mid-nine-

teenth century. Around

the same time, John Mason pat- ented the first Mason jar. Tey were made of heavier weight glass which withstood the high temper- ature needed for putting up veg- etables. Te first metal tops to be used in commercial canning were invented in 1881. Lucius Style Ball’s glass company continued to use the term Mason on their can- ning jars. Now, the Ball, Kerr and Bern glass companies have joined forces in the Alltrista Corpora- tion, todays largest producer of Mason jars. High acidity of tomatoes and

many common fruits inhibits the growth of bacteria, requiring the least severe canning treatment, about 30 minutes in a bath of boil- ing water. Most other vegetables

To tell if an egg is raw or hard-cooked, spin it! If the egg spins easily, it is hard-cooked but if it wob- bles, it is raw.

Egg yolks are one of the few foods that are a naturally good source of Vitamin D.

Eggs age more in one day at room temperature than in one week in the refrigerator.

An average hen lays 300 to 325 eggs a year.

4 • September 2018 • UPBEAT TIMES, INC.

The beet was initially cultivated around 2,000 BC in the Mediterranean region, which makes it a natural fit for a heart-healthy Mediterranean diet.

The biggest beet in the world was grown by a Dutchman. It weighed over 156 pounds.

Beets have also been shown to support the detoxification process in the body. The betalin compound found in beets, which gives them their red color, helps to capture troublesome toxins and flush them out of the system via the urinary tract.

“Live as if you were to die tomorrow. Learn as if you were to live forever.” ~ Mahatma Gandhi

September 2018

EW & P Recipe



10 small beets 1 cup vinegar 1 cup water

1/2 cup brown sugar 1 teaspoon salt 6 hard-boiled eggs, peeled


Directions: or

boil beets until

tender and remove skins. Bring vinegar, water, sugar and salt to a boil, pour over beets and refrigerate over- night. Replace beets with eggs and refrigerate over- night. If desired add a cinna- mon stick and a few cloves to mix. Slice eggs to serve.

are just slightly acidic, leaving them much more vulnerable to bacteria and molds. Tey need to be heated in a pres-

sure cooker at 240 degrees for 30 to 90 minutes.

Included is a sim-

ple colorful pickling recipe with Amish origins.

Chef Ron

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