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Page 26 our oroscope

ARIES Party mood has really taken over and you are ready to rock until you drop. Try to keep things under control though and make sure you don’t go completely overboard otherwise you will regret it in more ways than just a sore head. On the work front, you need to concentrate more as someone is trying to take advantage of your distracted state of mind. TAURUS You have seen an idea for a home improvement project which you really want to get on with and you know it is ideal and would make such a difference to your everyday living. Others are not too sure, mainly as you have not really explained it to them properly. Stop and put them in the picture and then you will all be as enthusiastic about it. GEMINI People will think you have pulled off a magic trick with the amount of work you manage to get done. You are on a roll as they say. Don’t take on too much though otherwise things will start to go wrong and all the good work will have been for nothing. CANCER Money will be an issue this month and you fi nd yourself torn between splashing out on something you really don’t need but love, and saving the money for that bill you know is coming. Be sensible this time as going into debt over this is not worth it. LEO Things are not much fun at the moment and you are fi nding things a bit boring. Don’t worry, things are going to liven up pretty soon and you will wish you were back to the easy, monotonous days once again. At the beginning of the month don’t hesitate over making a decision about something that really needs no thinking about. VIRGO All the hard work you have been putting into things just recently means you are now reaping the rewards. Put this same mind set into the rest of your life and you will see such a difference. Don’t take on too many responsibilities at the moment as something unexpected is going to come out of the blue which will take up a lot of your time. LIBRA By doing one thing differently each week you will quickly put your life into order. Start small for example sort out a recycling system instead of just putting everything in one bin. After a short while you really will be able to feel proud of yourself and what you have achieved. SCORPIO By staying in control at work and not loosing your cool when everyone around you is overreacting will win you points with the boss. This might not bring immediate results but it will be remembered and will bring you the recognition you deserve. SAGITTARIUS You will teach someone a valuable lesson without it being in a nasty way. It is something they are grateful for and will remember for the rest of their lives. This leaves you feeling really good about yourself and so you should. CAPRICORN Someone is trying to push their ideas onto you in order for you to back them up - you don’t agree with them but at the same time don’t want to hurt their feelings. Stand your ground otherwise you are going to get caught up in something which you will regret. AQUARIUS You are starting to see some benefi ts of a project that started a long time ago, little by little things are looking up for it. It will never give you amazing rewards so don’t put too much energy into it, but don’t give up on it either as it will tick along nicely in the background. PISCES Organisation is the answer to your problems, as in you need to get more organisation into your life. Things have been slipping for a while now and you need to take control before it’s too late.

QF Focus Magazine

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