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No vehicles

Previous NASA Administrator Mike Griffin has

publicly stated:

over maximum gross weight shown

(in tonnes) No waiting

“We could use commercial suborbital human transportation for early training of astronauts.

No stopping (Clearway)

Signs with blue circles but no red border mostly give positive instruction.

. . . If I could buy a seat to suborbital flight for a few hundred thousand dollars. . . why wouldn’

Source: David. L, (2008) Private Suborbital Spaceships Could Aid NASA Science. (

t we have all our new astronauts make their first flights in such a manner?”

Ahead only

Turn left ahead (right if symbol reversed)

In addition, the ability to travel suborbitally and experience periods of near-zero or ‘microgravity’ will allow for a wide range of valuable scientific experiments to be carried out, which currently have to be performed using sounding rockets or at great cost, using the long duration space station or space shuttle. Microgravity science can help to address problems such as protein folding, instrumental in developing drugs to combat a host of diseases; as well as aiding research into new materials for transportation, computing and biomedicine.

The space launch system under development will allow more detailed, affordable and frequent microgravity science experiments to be carried out by humans rather than robots, potentially advancing several areas of science that have stagnated in the last few decades due to poor access to space.

Mini-roundabout (roundabout

circulation - give way to vehicles from the

immediate right)

Partnering with NASA

US space policy has increasingly been looking to the emerging private sector to provide space launch services – initially for payload but potentially in the future for professional astronauts and scientists .

While not Virgin Galactic’s core market, given these trends in US policy, there may be future opportunities for NASA to purchase Virgin Galactic suborbital flights for professional astronaut training, science research and the testing and qualification of equipment designed to operate

Buses and cycles only

Route to be

used by pedal cycles only

Turn left

(right if symbol reversed)

Keep left

(right if symbol reversed)

in space. This will allow NASA to achieve its aims more cheaply, effectively and with less environmental impact whilst enabling it to devote increased resources to non- commercial but vital exploration activities.

The Future

Virgin Galactic’s plan for suborbital space launch represents the first of many necessary steps if we are to reap the greater benefits that space has to offer. The next steps will require significant new private sector investment which we believe will be readily available if Virgin Galactic is a commercial success. It is clear from industries such as mobile telephony that once technologies are opened to private R&D and investment, that innovation and change can rapidly follow. This is where Virgin Galactic, as a private company, can really make a difference.

Segregated pedal cycle

and pedestrian route

We believe that the advent of cheap, on-demand small satellite launch vehicles, space-based solar power, space- based server farms, transcontinental passenger and freight travel via space and a range of other transformational applications are all achievable in a relatively short time frame. How short, will depend to a large degree on the early and visible success of Virgin Galactic and other similar cutting edge clean-tech space initiatives.

Trams only

Pedestrian crossing point over tramway

One-way traffi (note: compar circular ‘Ahea only’ sign)

Minimum speed End of m spe

Vehicle pass e

side to sam


No stopping during period indicated except for buses

No stoppin times s

except for

as necessa down or passen


Information signs - continued

Hospital ahead with Accident and


information point

No through road for vehicles Page 1  |  Page 2  |  Page 3  |  Page 4  |  Page 5  |  Page 6  |  Page 7  |  Page 8  |  Page 9  |  Page 10  |  Page 11  |  Page 12  |  Page 13  |  Page 14  |  Page 15  |  Page 16  |  Page 17  |  Page 18  |  Page 19  |  Page 20  |  Page 21  |  Page 22  |  Page 23  |  Page 24  |  Page 25  |  Page 26  |  Page 27  |  Page 28  |  Page 29  |  Page 30  |  Page 31  |  Page 32  |  Page 33  |  Page 34  |  Page 35  |  Page 36  |  Page 37  |  Page 38  |  Page 39  |  Page 40  |  Page 41  |  Page 42  |  Page 43  |  Page 44  |  Page 45  |  Page 46  |  Page 47  |  Page 48  |  Page 49  |  Page 50  |  Page 51  |  Page 52  |  Page 53  |  Page 54  |  Page 55  |  Page 56  |  Page 57  |  Page 58  |  Page 59  |  Page 60  |  Page 61  |  Page 62  |  Page 63  |  Page 64  |  Page 65  |  Page 66  |  Page 67  |  Page 68  |  Page 69  |  Page 70  |  Page 71  |  Page 72  |  Page 73  |  Page 74  |  Page 75  |  Page 76  |  Page 77  |  Page 78  |  Page 79  |  Page 80  |  Page 81  |  Page 82  |  Page 83  |  Page 84  |  Page 85  |  Page 86  |  Page 87  |  Page 88
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