





orderForm.noItems Broomfield andKingswood

Chegworth Road KCC Cllr Shellina Prendergast asked the parish council to consider again the potential of part-funding the improvements to the Chegworth Road/A20 junction. Oaklands Borough CllrGill Fort advised that the retrospective planning applicationwas nowbeingmanaged by a newplanning officer. Crime reportAwindowhad been broken at a home inHolly Tree Close. WWIMemorial bench Itwas agreed that two benches should be installed at the Sports Field. If possible one should be placed near the noticeboard on CayserDrive and the other in the sports field. The shop owner should be contacted for permission. Bolts that cannot be undone should be used in the installation. Kingswood Schoolwould be advised that the bencheswere to be bought. Sport FieldAfunding application for £20,000 had been applied for. The installation of a clothing bankwas discussed and itwas decided not to proceed. Itwas agreed that the handymanwould carry out checks as part of hisweekly inspection. Village sign Itwas agreed that the planter at the junction ofDuck Pond Lane,Gravelly Bo�omRoad and Broomfield Roadwould be moved to in front of the fingerpost and the village signwould be erectedwere the planterwas. The handymanwould be asked tomove the planter.Maidstone Signswould erect the sign. Community centre The amenity survey had brought in 61 responses.Another email would be sent to residents reminding them to complete the survey. TreemaintenanceAtree protection order applicationwas still to be submi�ed for the Sports Field.Ale�erwould be sent to the leaseholder at Tall Trees advising that the council had agreed to replace the field. Treecyclewould then be asked to quote for supplying and planting replacements. Email addresses Councillorswere reminded that in light ofGDPR, they needed to activate their newparish council email addresses and advise the clerk accordingly.

Chart Su�on

Policema�ersNo figureswere available as the PCSOwas on annual leave. Community warden Lova� had provided a report on doorstep criminals,welfare visits and Halloween. Textile bank The future of the textile bank was discussed. Itwas agreed that the LMB textile bank be removed and a newcontract be entered intowith Rag Solutions. Highways Following ameeting atWierton Gate Co�age and ChartHill Co�age, Highways advised that the landowner in both cases owned right up to the carriageway and theywould not be pu�ing in any verge markers at these locations. KCC CllrHotson had agreed to helpwith funding for Unsuitable forHGVs signs at three locations. Salt and grit binMembers considered a request for a bin at the junction of Chart Road/ChartHill Road. The clerkwas asked to contactHighways asking for the bin further along the road to bemoved further back towards the Chart Road junction.

34 Maidstone Weald November 2018

Chairman’s report Cllr Forknall said hewas arranging newposts for the village green. There had also been some fly-tippingwhich hewould report. CCTVThe installationwould begin once the deposit had been paid to Brook Security.A branch on the village greenwould need to be cut back tomake thewireless linkwork. DogmessOwners not picking up after their dogs on the playing fieldwas still an issue. Supplying a bag dispenser could help. The clerkwould investigate. Village hall The commi�ee knewsomeone whomight be interested in taking on the role of le�ings secretary asMaureen Fi�Gerald was giving up the post. CoffeemorningMembers discussed the request for a donation. Itwas felt that initially the communitywarden could a�end a coffee morning to gaugewhether extra eventswere needed. StMichael’s ChurchArequest for a donation towards re-wiring and other projectswas considered and a sumof £2,000 was agreed.


Police reportAfter advice fromthe PCSOthe clerk looked at crime statistics on the police website but found themto be twomonths in arrears. Communitywarden Itwas reported that Project Salus had pulled out of the youth club due to dwindling numbers. Itwas hoped to set up projects involving football, boxing or dance.Workwas continuing to overcome parking problems at the school, including the possible introduction of awalking bus. There had been a high incidence of cases involving neighbour disputes,welfare, isolation and mental health. Notice boards The clerk had approached Maidstone Borough Services to provide a quotation for replacing the Perspex frontage of an existing notice board. Postbox Itwas agreed that the refurbishing of the village centre post boxwould be taken upwith theDirector of PublicAffairs and Policy at RoyalMail. Commemorative seat The clerk had emailed SWYorke and Sons about the re-oiling of the CynthiaWebb seat.Areplywas still awaited. Recruitment of clerkAdvertisements had been placed in the local press, Coxheath Library and on parish council notice boards andwould be placed on the KentAssociation of Local Councils’website. To date, two applications had been received. Village hallAmeeting had been heldwith themanagement commi�ee to discuss co- operation.Anumber of projectswere discussed, including the possible construction of newtoilets. HamiltonHouse CllrDown reported that once again there seemed to be a lot ofmoss and debris emanating fromthe gu�ers on the building.He had noted that therewas a loose tile overhanging the footpath. Thesema�ers would be reported to the owner. ParkWay Cllr Page said theweeds in the roadside gu�ers along ParkWay had been sprayed. She had also reported a pothole to Highway Services. Hospice shop Cllr Bird said the retainerwall outside the hospice shop appeared to be

unstable in places. Thema�erwould be brought to the a�ention of the owners of HamiltonHouse. Street furniture Cllr Page and the clerk had metwithMBC officials to conclude the refurbishing of the village centre street furniture.Most of the agreedworks had been completed and itwas hoped that any outstanding paintingwould be finished by mid-October 2018. The damaged bollard at the entrance to theHamiltonHouse car park would be re-installed a fewfeet to the north and an additional bollard installed in the centre of the footway to stopmotorists from parking on the pavement.An additional bollardwould be installed to thewest of the Heart of KentHospice. The restoration of the notice boardwas due to be completed. Maintenance Itwas agreed that ameeting with the KCCHighway Steward should be convened to discuss issues including the replacement of streetlight access doors; the location and filling of salt bins; repairs to the pedestrian crossings;white lining; improvements to lighting at thewestern pedestrian crossing point. Play area The clerk had been to the play area in FairhurstDrive and felt that the area would benefit froma safety check, although nomajor problemswere apparent. East Farleigh Parish Councilwas open to the idea of contributing to the cost of anyworks required after handover. Remembrance Thememorial stonewould be dedicated onNovember 11. The service would start at 10.45am. BrianMortimer and two representatives of a uniformed organisation in Coxheathwould formally unveil the plaque. CllrWebbwould be asked tomake a reading. Representatives of various village organisationswould be invited to a�end. Christmas lights The switch-onwould take place at 4.30pmon Sunday,December 2. Cllr Webb asked that the Christmas presentation cup be cleaned in advance of the shop windowcompetition.Hewould be approaching shops in the near future. Play area inspection The latest report had indicated a number of lowrisk issueswhich the clerk had discussedwith CllrDivall and MBC representatives.

East Farleigh

McDonald’s The clerk has chased McDonalds twice about the parish council’s request for amobile li�er patrol, but had still had no response. ParkingAdamMcKinley had agreed to talk to the PCSOabout people parking at the entrance to Kilnbridge Close. Flood podDannyMacGillivraywould look into the position of the flood pod andmake it more accessible. RemembranceAs this year is the Centenary of the end of the FirstWorldWar, the parish council and the Churchwanted to do something extra for the Remembrance Service. Rev Peter Callway agreed that the Churchwould provide refreshments in the Old SchoolHall afterwards. Defibrillator Cllr Peter Beasley gave new information to the clerk and itwas agreed that hewould purchase a second defibrillator

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Parish Councils

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