





author of supercharged self healing

How does the EMI limitation program run? As we previously stated, earth’s low frequency and its stupor-like

effect promotes thinking rather than knowing. It is also why we emote rather than love unconditionally. Our lack of self-awareness leads to improper processing of sensory-based perceptions, which we use to produce thoughts, emotions, actions, and behaviors. Our misidentifi- cation with these temporary phenomena creates the EMI. The finite mind is born of profound limited perceptions, gross misunderstandings that lead to limitless misidentifications. All of this is non self-aware- ness.

Your understanding of the EMI is fascinating and illuminating. Why is the EMI so limiting?

All identifications are limitations. Everything we perceive cannot be the Self but rather a mere fraction of what comes and goes. We are timeless awareness itself, not what timeless awareness perceives. The infinitesimally small data stream—roughly 0.003 percent of existence itself—perceived by our five physical senses is what feeds the logic and linear-based intellect. Linearity is how we experience phenomena, but it is not how things actually are. Everything is occurring now, though that isn’t observed with our very limited perspective. I have never looked at things this way or how these new under- standings relate to what we have called the Ego.

This is part of the new metaphysical paradigm and how it relates to humanity and its limitation programs, including poor health. All EMI’s run their program of limitations based upon a finite data stream, which it processes in a time-bound and logical way, which, as we just spoke about, has nothing to do with how things really are but merely how we experience them solely based upon previous misperceptions and misunderstandings.. This is getting clearer. What’s one way we can stop the EMI? Stop thinking, and the limitation program ceases to run. Reclaim your freedom from the tyranny of the finite mind, and the petals of self- awareness will unfold. Without the program running there is no limita- tion of consciousness. Without running our program of limitations, our infinite and divine nature will be experientially realized once more. All dis-harmony, dis-ease, and ill health are limitation programs that the finite mind has created through misperception, misunderstanding, and misidentification.

So non-identification with what we create is essential for healing?

Correct. We have created the limitations of ill health in order to have the tangible experience of our own energetic disharmony. This way, while incarnate in the slower and dense frequencies of the physical universe, we can see ourselves in the act of creation by transcending them. Once the energy we have been given – from any incarnation - gets tainted from our lack of clarity and detachment, we carry that mis-programming within our body of energy and eventually it manifests itself as ill health, disease, and sickness. This is a totally different understanding of health and illness. As we said earlier, we needed a new paradigm born of higher consciousness to transcend our current limitations. The soul—or more specifically Sentience commanding and purifying its body of energy properly—is the cure for all that ails humanity. I am beginning to see this now. We are sentience or divine intelligence given energy to work with.

We are not what we create, nor are we what we painfully and fecklessly try to hang on to through misidentification.

How can we connect with our sentience—with It—so we can help cure what ails us? We are always “It” because we can never not be sentience

utilizing energy. The problem occurs through the creation of the Ego/mind/identity which blocks the tangible knowingness of the Total Self, its limitless power, and eternal divinity and replaces it with beliefs and non-beliefs, which are the same thing. Wait—beliefs and non-beliefs are the same thing? How is that

even possible? • 8453596902 • 9

Anything whose landing spot lies outside of the Self is ei- ther a belief or a non-belief. Both of these phenomena are disempowering as they create separation. This distracts from authentic Self-Realization by keeping attention away from inner awareness through beliefs and non-beliefs.

I have never heard any- thing like this before.

This is the wisdom that replaces all knowledge. Faith, it should be noted, is the opposite of belief/non-belief because it is the tangible experience of divinity we feel within ourselves, not outside ourselves. Source is within our consciousness. Its why true faith is so powerful. Is this all part of your new healing technique? Yes. How to directly access the Total Self is Step One in the

Ascend The Frequencies® Healing Technique (ATFHT), which is the purpose of my upcoming first book Supercharged Self-Healing: A Revolutionary Guide to Access High-Frequency States of Conscious- ness That Rejuvenate and Repair. In Step One, the reader learns the very simple yet extremely powerful protocols and exercises for reorienting Sentience and balancing energy by commanding it with authentic clarity. Our inherent wisdom and detachment allow us to work with and harmonize any imbalances. This self-awakening enables the direct tangible experience of your Sentience and the powerful command of the energy you’ve been given, which is the first step toward harnessing your true power as a creator being. This begins to bring people back to their natural state of freedom, perfection, harmony, and health. Sentience literally directs the energy for repair and healing of whatever has become misaligned, which is always a product of disharmonious thought patterns born of the EMI limitation program. Can you share with us step One of your Ascend The Frequencies ® Healing technique? Sure. This is a portion of Step One. Let’s do it together. With one hand, gently place the tips of your pointer and index finger in the center of your chest. Close your eyes. Now bring all of your attention and focus to the sensation of touch right there in the center of your chest. Nothing else exists but the recognition of this sensation. No analysis, just the tangible awareness of it. Notice how you cannot think or emote when you do this. Yes. I feel calm. Good. Now, slowly and gently reach out from inside your chest and touch your fingertips. From inside your chest and touch your fingertips. Open your heart and touch your fingertips. Feel that sensation inside—that presence?

This is incredible. I have never felt anything like this in my life. That’s you. That is the real you. That is your sentience. That presence is the immortal, changeless, and timeless Self. Divine perfection. What you really are—sentience—sits between the heart and the spine. Now simply and gently keep your attention and focus there. You have never experienced this sensation before because you have never consciously, directly experienced your Self before. Remain here, effortlessly, until the habit of thought and emotion slips away. From here I teach the other aspects of Step One of my healing technique. There are seven steps in total, and those are what I created to overcome permanent chest-down paralysis and disease, as well as guide many others in their healing victory.

This reorientation of sentience brings the conscious mind and its

body of energies back to its source point within the physical vehicle, which allows the proper energetic alignment to naturally harmonize what has become disharmonious.

Con’t on pg 33

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