This page contains a Flash digital edition of a book.
End of Key Stage 2 Assessment Results (SATs) (Please see back of prospectus for details)

Terms and Holiday Dates (Please see back of prospectus for details)

Absences – Extended Holidays

Children are expected to be in attendance for every session of school during the school year unless a valid reason for absence, in accordance with statute, is offered i.e. medical or bereavement.

1. Permission must be obtained from the Head Teacher in advance as far as possible to take children out of school during the school term. This will only be granted for special reasons e.g. medical appointments, emergencies etc. All medical appointment letters must be brought to the school office for photocopying. Please try to keep all medical appointments after school or during the holidays where possible. 2. Please inform the school by telephone each day of your child’s absence and state their expected date of return. When your child returns to school a letter explaining the absence will be required. However, if the absence is long term because of a major illness, the school must be informed of the child’s progress and medical evidence will be required. Please note, it is school policy that if you child has vomited or has diarrhoea they cannot return to school for 48 hours. 3. Absences which are not authorised will be followed up by the Head teacher, as well as recurring and frequent absences. You are not entitled to take your children on holiday during term time. Please avoid taking children out of school during term time as this interferes with their learning and progress. If an emergency does arise please seek permission from the Headteacher before making any arrangements. An absence request form can be obtained from the office. 4. Regular absences and lateness will be monitored closely and reported to the Head teacher and Deputy each month. 5. Please ensure your child is here each day unless they are ill or have a medical appointment (evidence will be required).


Children are expected to be in the playground when the bell rings, to line up and accompany their teachers into class. Governors do not take responsibility for children that come to school before 8.40am unless they are attending Breakfast club. These children are the responsibility of their parents. Persistent lateness will result in a referral to the Deputy Head teacher. A letter will be issued and lateness will be monitored for a further 2 weeks. If there is no improvement, parents will be called to a meeting to see the Deputy Head teacher.

Secondary Transfer Destinations for last year (Please see back of prospectus for details)

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