





to whatever activity he pursues, Sebastian Hoekstra is a communi- ty member that is an easy nomi- nee for this year’s APEX Youth Awards. A sport fanatic, Hoekstra had an understandably tough 2020 with many sports being cancelled, but instead of letting this get him down, he shifted his focus to a new challenge — hiking and bik- ing.

W With the Taber Trail 77, Hoekstra has been volun-

teering his time to not only make existing trails better,but he’s also incorporating his own ideas to build new ones. “Sebastian’s leadership abilities shine through with his positive, fun-loving attitude on the sports court/field and off. Sebastian has a competitive edge that pushes him to excel but in doing this,he is also pushing his teammates to do their best in a way that builds people up,”said Steve Van Geest, president of Trail 77.“Sebastian’s attitude and per- sonality is really where this young man shines.He has a knack that allows him to get along with almost anyone,no matter their age. His smile tends to draw people in and his willingness to try differ-


ith an incredible passion for sports and bringing a positive attitude

ent things allows him to have a lot of fun.” Over the previous year, he has logged 40 hours with Trail 77 help- ing with putting up signs and building bike teeter-totters as well as dragging rocks from top and bottom of coulees to build berms. His hard work extends beyond

Trail 77 as he’s shown to be a team player in every situation. Whether it’s on the court, the

field, in the classroom or at home, Hoekstra approaches every walk of life with a smile and a great atti- tude.

While many youths are seen riding around town without helmets when biking, Hoekstra abides by the rules and the leaders of Trail 77 say he “makes following rules a cool thing to do.” “Sebastian is a fine young man and an excellent leader among the people that he associates with. I have known Sebastian for nearly a year and what I have observed from Sebastian really impresses me,”said Jay Anderson,a member of Trail 77.“As a member of the trail club, I feel thankful there are young people like Sebastian leading the charge behind the old generation. I know Sebastian does not want any recognition or praise for his efforts in the community, or in other areas of his life, and that to me, it the sign of great character.”


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Some people dream of success while others wake up and work hard at it!

-Winston Churchill


Sebastian Hoekstra

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