





2018 Mag 2.qxp_WME Magazine 2014 8/29/18 9:17 AM Page 3 3


“Following Jesus, ever day by day, Nothing can harm me when He leads the way; Sunshine or shadow, whate’er befall, Jesus, my Shepherd, is my All in All.”

Song lyrics for “FOLLOWING JESUS, EVERDAYBYDAY” by Leonard Weaver

When I read our September newsletter entitled “BUILDING ONAFIRM FOUNDATION: WME CHILDREN’SHOMES,” I was struck by the reality and the truth of these words:

“But sadly, many non-profit organizations have stopped operating children’s homes because it’s incredibly hard work that requires significant financial resources and a long-term commitment.”

There are two sides to our Christian testimony – Our words and our works. If we em- phasize one at the expense of the other, we become Christians who are not balanced.

Balance is important in the work of God. Isaiah was a prophet who dealt with getting out of balance. Isaiah lived in the King’s house. He was so taken up with the good life, Isa- iah was totally thrown off balance when his hero King Uzziah “crashed and burned.” However, Isaiah was given a vision of the Lord high and lifted up and surrounded by seraphim. Seraphim were six-winged creatures; with two wings they covered their face, with two wings they covered their feet, and with two wings they flew. The seraphim were conscious of God and conscious of themselves, but they were still practical and func- tional. That experience brought balance and a desire to do meaningful service back into Isaiah’s life.


Until Jesus returns, we will always be faced with the issue faced by St. James and St. Paul. James was a “church man.” Paul was a missionary-evangelist. James and Paul appear to dwell on opposite aspects of the truth. When Paul teaches how we are justi- fied by faith, he is teaching an infinitely precious truth. When James says a man is justi- fied by works, he is teaching an equally precious truth. The truths which these two great Apostles were commissioned to teach were not contradictory but complimentary and supplementary; and blessedly, we are the inheritors of both these aspects of truth.

This is not the day and time to say, “I am of James and down-to-earth works” or alterna- tively “I am of Paul and the spiritual heights,” but rather to say “I am of the Lord of heaven and earth.” There is no point in believers being so spiritually minded, they are of no earthly use. It is time to say, “I am going to follow the Lord Jesus day by day in EVERY way!” The question is not whether we have sunshine or shadow, but whether we have substance or shadow.

My burden is for children and children’s homes. My burden is for evangelists, native pastors, and churches. My burden is to lift up the Gospel voice like a trumpet. My bur- den is for both spiritual and physical substance that will last until the day breaks, the shadows flee away, and the Day Star arises in countless thousands of hearts.

Won’t you consider a practical expression of your faith by supporting a child or a Native Missionary? It is time for us all to say like Isaiah, “Here am I. Send me!”

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Produced with Yudu -