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Upper BellAresident of Blue Bell Hill expressed his continued concerns about the derelict appearance and the apparent flouting of planning regulations at the former Upper Bell site. The clerk referred him to the minutes of the April council meeting. Street lightingAresident expressed his continued disgust at the poor maintenance of street lighting in his area. Thiswas noted.


Footpath The clerkwas asked to contact the KCC footpaths team to see if a sign could be erected to ensurewalkers stay on the footpath opposite the church. MemorialWork on thewar memorialwas due to start at the end of May. Itwas suggested that a grant application could be made to county Cllr Sarah Hohler for member’s funding to replace posts and rails around the memorial. Quoteswould be obtained and Cllr Hohler informed. EmailAnew parish email address of had been set up. The clerkwas notifying contacts but thiswas taking longer than expected. Finance Year-end accounts, statements, bank statement and PAYE formswere signed. Current cash and short term investments totalled £26,368 including money for the cleaning and restoration of thewar memorial. Audit The auditor said many parisheswere having difficulty obtaining three quotes for work and suggested that the financial regulation “must obtain three quotes” be replaced with “strive to obtain three quotes”. Birling’s financial regulations wordingwas “usually by obtaining three or more quotes” and changewould be considered when the reviewwas undertaken. He said many of the parishes he auditedwere considering the continued use of cheques rather than electronic payments because of the increased workload for clerks and councillors and the need for secure financial controls. Village Hall The village hall commiee’s refurbishment planswere nearing completion andwould include insulating the roof, refiing the kitchen and providing storage. The groupwould be grateful for any contribution from the parish council once costswere finalised. Churchyard Kathy Nevill, chairman of the parochial church council, had provided figures forwork carried out to the churchyard since 2009. Itwas noted a contractor had been employed to mow it and the clerkwas asked to find out when theywould be starting. Overgrown The clerkwould contact Ryarsh Parish Council to see if someone in the village could cut back the vegetation growing over the footpath outside the stables in Birling Road. Planning Therewere no objections to planning applications for alterations to create an en suite shower room at 7 The Close and a replacement car port at 10 Bull Road.

Dion Crime report PCSO Sally Doherty said

42 Malling June 2014

there had been two thes from vehicles: tools had been stolen from a van in Priory Grove and from a vehicle parked in Fernleigh Rise. There had also been a report of youths firing catapults at pigeons in the Bradbourne Lane area. There had been reports in other areas of thieves placing locksmiths stickers on houses and then breaking in if theywere not removed, assuming the houses to be empty. Lier code PCSO Doherty and the KCC warden had been visiting businesses in Dion to discuss the voluntary lier code and there had been 100% take-up so far. Overpaid rent Itwas agreed that the overpaid rent charged to the Guides and Brownies be refunded in full. Trees Cllr John Beadle noted that the school was to be asked who looked aer its trees and suggested this be extended to the church.

DownderryWay Photoswere circulated of a “ramp” caused by a contractor, making it dangerous for vehicles and mobility scooters. Contractors’ vehicleswere parked in the lane blocking access for emergency vehicles. Cllr Tony Mulcuck said it appeared that the contractor had put down stone to make a more graduated slope. It was decided to write to Tonbridge and Malling Council and ask that the road be le safe and useable for all residents. Bowls club Itwas noted that an application had been made to erect a canopy in front of the clubhouse, but the plan had been withdrawn. Streetlighting Cllr Bill Cordwell’s comments about the streetlights being turned off in New Road at nightwere noted, and itwas agreed to send an objection to KCC.

East Peckham

County brief County Cllr Mahew Balfour was aware of the parish council’s concerns regarding the increasedworkload of the communitywarden whowas now also responsible for Hadlow, Golden Green, Nelestead andWateringbury.He reported thatwork to the “table hump” at Lower Road narrowing in Hale Streetwould be proceeding. Complaints Borough Cllr Liz Holland had received complaints about youths playing football within the Crown Acres estate. She was advised that perhaps the community warden or PCSOs could assist. School There had been four anti-social behaviour incidents in the past month, including two affecting the primary school. The youths involvedwould be dealt with by the police. Parking Residents had complained to the PCSO about parking issues in The Freehold, outside the new post office in Orchard Road, and the expected expansion of problems following the redevelopment of Marvillion Court. Contact The police contact pointwould be visiting the Co-op in Banbridges Road every other Thursday from 5pm to 6pm. StreetlightAresident had complained about the delay in fixing the streetlight in Bush Road andwas advised that UKPN was required to make safe the infrastructure before the parish council’s contractor could carry out the repair. Footways Two residents had complained about the condition of footpaths and alleyways and had been referred to KCC’s

public rights ofway office. KebabAresident had complained about the illuminated sign on the Pound Road kebab van. The issue had been referred to KCC and Tonbridge and Malling planners. Fly-postingAresident advised of more fly- posting on the bypass. Kent Highways would be informed. DefibrillatorAtraining session had been held and trainer Barbara Plumb had been presented with a flower basket. Another sessionwould be held when interest had been shown by eight to 12 people. Snooker Itwas agreed to organise a street snookerworkshop to coincide with the summer playscheme. Jubilee Hall The next phase of redecoration would include the sports hall and the painting of the ceiling tiles. Quoteswould be obtained and theworks should be undertaken in the autumn. Surgery Cllr Mrs Day reported on the parish council surgery. One gentleman turned upwanting a bus timetable and a lady reported misuse of traffic cones. Itwas agreed to canvas residents at the annual parish meeting on whether to continue with the surgeries. Fingerposts The first twowere installed at Peckham Bush and Bullen Corner. Althoughwork had taken longer than expected, memberswere delighted with the result.

Drinking water To provide a service to walkers and cyclists who frequently visit the village, and to reduce the necessity for the young to buy canned drinks, itwas suggested that the parish council could install two drinking fountains with bole fillers aached to thewalls of the public conveniences at The Pound and the Jubilee Hall for £1,500 each, excluding VAT and fiing. Thiswould be considered during 2015/16. Flooding Correspondencewas received from MPSir John Stanley including leers to the Environment Agency and the treasury stressing that hewas continuing to work for improved flood protection for all the areas of his constituency which had been affected this winter. Flood charter Itwas agreed that a flood charter, aimed at minimising the risk and impact of flooding,would be included in the parish emergency plan and also be a standalone document. Poppies Seedswould be sown in planters which could then be placed at prominent village locations. Youth shelter Quotes for a youth shelter and outdoor table tennis tablewould be obtained.


Police report The e-watch crime reportwas circulated.Adiscrepancy in police communicationswas pointed out and the CEOwas asked to get clarification. PlaygroundAquery on the “No ball games” sign at AnsonAvenue playground was raised. Camping Itwas reported that people had been seen camping on land at Heath Farm.


Crime The chairman presented a crime report in the absence of a report from the police. Itwas taken from a police database and listed the neighbourhood policing area

Parish Councils

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