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Success via Mindfulness H

aving been in an executive posi- tion for nearly 32 years, as he felt a heavy tightness in his chest, the

realization of how little time Jeremy had actually taken for himself became a rude, unexpected awakening. He sensed his inner voice, telling him, “You must take care of yourself NOW; stop procrastinat- ing”. Despite the physical and inner un- easy feeling he had repeatedly ignored, from somewhere deep within, unexpect- edly the critical voice reminded him once more of how his father had become a ‘corporate success’, reaping all the élite perks. Suddenly as if a bolt of lightning went off in his head, Jeremy realized that over his lifetime of trying to be like his father, their corporate (parental) conversa- tions had subconsciously planted and in- fluenced unintentional destructive pat- terns—‘seeds of identity’ and life expecta- tions for himself. Sitting on his deck later that night, for

the first time in years, Jeremy took time to just be. He turned on the radio and heard

the voice sing, “Don’t Worry – Be Happy”. The still inner voice in Jeremey’s head coaxed him to call his best friend (a mind- body practitioner) and invite John to join him, for a much needed dinner with relax- ation and good conversation. Relaxing on his sundeck, Jeremy observed the birds, noting nothing seemed to bother them. Humor seemed to take over his senses, he laughed to himself thinking, “There’s prob- ably never been a bird, sitting on its branch having a nervous disturbance due to worry that they are enough”. Over dinner the next night, after John listened attentively to Jeremy, John shared with Jeremy, “You are not your dad, and if you want to live a life for yourself, you must be mindful of your desires, thoughts and actions, as well as your deep-rooted self-beliefs. It’s time to find your core val- ues and your truth. Ultimately, you must be mindful of your subconscious program- ming and self-sabotaging beliefs, mistak- enly brought forth into your adulthood”. John shared, “When the student is ready, the inner creative teacher is prepared to help him/her clear their mental and emo- tional channels in order to bring about desired resolution and transformation”. So let’s take a look at what mindful-

ness is and what one must do to become aware of their thoughts, etc. The definition of mindfulness: keeping aware; heedful: mindful of your duties. Mindfulness is the intentional practice of paying attention to what is happening both, internally and externally and moment to moment. Some benefits include: 1. In your surrounding environment, you’re aware of your thoughts, feelings and bodily sensations ‘moment to mo- ment’; even things that you normally pass by without being aware of their presence.. 2. Because you are aware of, and paying attention to these things, you can more easily attend to and nurture your thoughts and feelings without guilt or self-judg- ment. You are able to evict the unreason- able mentality that there has to be a “right or wrong way” to think or feel about those things. a. Preparation and regular practices can be done anywhere. However,


when starting, do it in a quiet place as it allows you the ability to learn how to become familiar with slowing down your mind, paying attention to your internal and external environment, and ridding normal distractions. b. As with any committed skill, com- mitment reaps ease, straightforward- ness and results.

3. By dedicating particular times for mental and emotional fitness, you re- main in the present vs. jumping to future moments. a. A good reminder of mindfulness is, Matthew 6:34, “Therefore, do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about its own things”.

Next month we will look at practical

ways to promote and nurture mindfulness. Until then, you are encouraged to purpose- fully develop a new, favorable habit of staying aware, being present, in the many moments of your days. 1. Also, by making notes of your thoughts, feelings, and both valuable and non- beneficial habits, you become aware of what you’re thinking and feeling, both consciously and subconsciously. 2. In order for continued success to be- come a good habit, it must be deliber- ately practiced in order to HALT subcon- scious negative patterns and subcon- sciously consent to non-judgmental ac- ceptance, i.e., “This is good for me and my life”!

Call Coach Polly Humphreys because she has the profound skills to bring the best out in in her clients. Conceive the feeling of you, achieving multiple successes vic- toriously; you doing them with ease and bold confidence! Envision the incredible feelings that nothing can stop you! Think of hearing the compliments you are going to get as you do it again with even greater self-assurance! Mental Performance Coaching: personal, professional and sports; HpnoCoaching; Success Coaching. Two websites: Alternative Wellness & Be- yond: - Back Bone Builder: Twitter: @ RUMentallyTough

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