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about the nature of true health and healing and now practice more holistically, em- ploying an approach that is more naturo- pathic and welcoming partnerships with holistic health providers, including health coaches. Naturopathic physicians also treat clients more holistically and partner with other holistic providers.

What is a Holistic Natural Health Coach? How is a Coach Different than a Doctor? A coach is not a doctor. A coach does

not practice medicine, diagnose illness, prescribe drugs, or perform surgery. A coach is in general less directive than a doctor and develops a partnership with you to create goals that are realistic, posi- tive, and satisfying to you. A coach holds you accountable, and can be as tough as you want or need him/her to be; however, a coach does not take responsibility for your healing. YOU are the only one who can heal you. A coach is there to inspire you, guide you, follow up on you, give you acceptance and validation, and hold you accountable to your own goals and dreams. Sometimes the process involves revising those goals and dreams along the way. That is always your choice. A coach is more like a counselor than a doctor; however, unless a coach is a licensed therapist, s/he is not qualified to treat mental illness and should refer you to an appropriate specialist if that is an issue for you. Another difference is that rather than focusing on disease and cure, the coach focuses on wellness, prevention, and in- creasing the overall health of the body, mind, and soul. Modern research is fi- nally catching up to this understanding, now showing that the strength of our im- mune system has as much or more to do with getting sick as does our exposure to illness in the first place. Stress and not caring for ourselves attacks and weakens our immune systems. Living happy and healthy lives is about changing the way we live and not about just taking a pill. Coaches can work in partnership with your doctor to ensure that your medical needs are being met while you return to health.

What Does a Coaching Session Look Like? A session could look like a typical counseling session, with you and your coach sitting and talking together or meet- ing on the phone or online using a video- conferencing app on your computer or mobile device. Some coaches prefer to meet clients virtually via phone or online

Natural Triad Magazine

after the first session, to make it easier logistically. That said, coaching sessions can be flexible depending on your need and interest as well as your coach’s train- ing and experience, and could involve learning meditation/relaxation, how to practice yoga or tai chi, how to prepare healthy food, developing a menu plan, or meeting at your home initially to assess your pantry, refrigerator, and food equip- ment. It's up to you and your coach what format works for you, what you want to learn, and what issues need to be ad- dressed. Most sessions are 50 minutes in length.

How Long Will it Take to See Results? In order to replace not-so-healthy habits with better ones, we need to prac- tice new habits regularly. We also need support, encouragement, and to be held accountable. Many people feel that meet- ing with their coach at least twice per month is a good frequency to accomplish the change they want to happen. Coaching clients might see some changes right away, as they become more aware of their goals and dreams and start feeling support to make them happen. In order to make changes to ingrained habits, however, and begin to see significant changes in their bodies as well, it takes on average at least three to six months of sustained, consistent practice of new habits. This includes changes to diet, exercise, rest, thought patterns, relaxation practice, relationships, etc. In-person coaching sessions are best supplemented by unlimited email contact and opportunities each month to meet online or in the community with others who are also seeking to improve their health holistically and naturally.

What Makes a Good Health Coach? When shopping for someone to help

you realize your life's goals, consider hir- ing a coach who appears to truly care about you, who makes sure you are not harmed, who helps you to realize your own dreams by listening to you, promoting your strengths, respecting your limitations, helping you push your edge, and not giv- ing up on you. A successful holistic natu- ral health coach has a good amount of knowledge about many aspects of living a well-rounded, integral life. S/he is trained, certified and/or licensed, and is profes- sional and competent when presenting his/ her programs, options, and policies. S/he is clear about what s/he can and cannot


do, what your mutual obligations are, and his/her fees. More importantly, a good coach has also walks the talk. S/he looks healthy. S/he sounds happy. S/he is opti- mistic, positive, and encouraging. You can tell if you are with this person, because s/ he inspires you to learn what s/he knows. You feel excited and more happy around him/her. You want to grow and learn more. You feel inspired and encouraged! So, what are you waiting for? Hire your holis- tic, natural coach today and achieve the wellness and happiness you’ve always wanted!

Ken Pataky, MS, CRC, LPCA, ND, RYT is a holistic natural health coach, educator, and professional counselor, as well as a traditional naturopath and yoga teacher. Ken’s mission is to help his clients realize lifelong wellness and happiness and to reach their major life goals by learning a holistic wellness model of health that bal- ances and heals body, mind and spirit with optimal nutrition, exercise/rest, medita- tion/positive thinking, grateful celebratory spirituality, healthy/supportive relation- ships, and positive community integration. Please visit his web page to learn more at

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