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• Licensed Acupuncturist • Tui Na (Chinese Massage) • Chinese Herbs • Chinese Reflexology • Tai Chi Qi Gong

Li Hua, L. Ac.,TCMD 275 Carpenter Drive #200 • Atlanta, GA 30328


Herb the 0at Hope and 0hange

Who Said That? I, Herb the Cat said it first, but it wasn’t to replace the Republicans, it was to give you hope that you could change and attract money rather than push it away. I know, everyone of you is saying right now that you don’t push money away. Liar, liar, pants on fire! You do push it away and want it or not, I am going to tell you how and why you do it and how to change it. First the how. With the econ- omy down and prices up without you getting a raise, there is just not enough money to go around. If nothing changed, (the only thing constant is that everything changes) then eventually your car gets paid off and you have extra money (until your car croaks) to get ahead on bills. But it does and you don’t. Then you are upside down on your car loan and buy another car, rolling the upside down into the new car buying a lesser car to keep the payments the same and so on and so on ad infinitum perpetuam ( pseudo latin for it ain’t ever going to get better, just the same ole same ole)! And down and down you spiral getting more depressed every day. Well, I could say that you need to get used to it ‘cause it ain’t ever going to change, but it can! Yes you can! The first thing you have to do is accept the responsibility for where you are right now. You created it and NO ONE did it to you other than yourself. If you say “she did it to me” or “he won’t let me” or whatever, I am going to slap you and say WAKE UP! You can change, but not by giving everyone health care (small joke, very small). There are two ways to change. The first way is to stop spending. Take your lunch to work, don’t buy Cat treats (scratch that), cancel the cable TV (why do you have that useless programming in your house anyway?) and buy NOTHING extra. Make SURE that when you do this for a while you DON”T reward yourself for a great job by buying yourself something. Cut up your credit cards and pay them off unless you can use them and pay them off EVERY month. Do NOT run a balance. Do NOT owe any bank any money. Soon you will be debt free and your income will be higher by the interest you used to pay the bank.

Now the second way to change. Know who you are! Since you obviously don’t know, I will tell you. Quantum physics tells us that nothing exists except a singularity. This means that there is not you and God, there is only God! Yes, you are the All That Is and you created the Universe. Therefore, you can create money! It’s simple compared to an unlim- ited number of Universes that you created! For some weird reason you came to earth forgetting who you are to accom- plish some weird thing (I’ll cover this another month) and now you need to step up, acknowledge your Godhood and receive all that the Universe has to offer. Lay back, believe you are who you are, believe you deserve it and it will flow through you. Not just to you, but through you. In closing this month’s diatribe, I will remind you that God deserves to ride in a nice car, not a piece of junk and since God has no body except YOUR body, get your butt in a nice car! Just know you can have it, believe you deserve it and will come to you as you visualize yourself ALREADY having it and NOT signing a loan for it.


OOps! I used up my bio space. Oh well you know who I am Oracle 20/20 October 2010

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