This page contains a Flash digital edition of a book.
However, horse people are a resilient lot
and dedicated to not only their horses, but
fellow horseman. When one is in trouble
there are usually five to six others who
will come to the rescue and that is what is
happening out here. Everyone is helping
and pitching in whatever they can.
I can only personally speak about what I
know, and at this point I know a lot BUT
also feel like I know absolutely nothing.
Here is a recap of our adventures of the
past three days and we are not out of the
fire path yet!
About three years ago one of my clients
By Kathy Hobstetter
purchased an older facility in the Santiago
Canyon area of Orange County. Filled
Fire, fire everywhere. Southern California is burning. One wild fire after
with zoning violations, it took us one and
another has taken over the state at this point. Dry conditions all year have
a half years in escrow and another year
set the stage for unbelievably destructive fires. Where there is vegetation, that
and a half of work and clean up before
usually means there is open space and where there is open space in California,
we moved horses on the property this last
there are usually horses. When the mix of fire and animals comes together, it is
May. We have recently welcomed John
dangerous and life threatening.
Bragg and his Bridgeport business as our
However, horse people are a resilient lot and dedicated to not only their
flagship trainer.
horses, but fellow horseman. When one is in trouble there are usually five to
Last Sunday night the earth erupted and
six others who will come to the rescue and that is what is happening out here.
we have not had much sleep since. The
Everyone is helping and pitching in whatever they can.
fire started at the north end of Santiago
I can only personally speak about what I know, and at this point I know a lot
canyon and within minutes it devoured
BUT also feel like I know absolutely nothing. Here is a recap of our adventures
several acres as it picked up steam and
of the past three days and we are not out of the fire path yet!
power. Chad Kearns, the owner/my
About three years ago one of my clients purchased an older facility in the
client, and I arrived in quick time to check
Santiago Canyon area of Orange County. Filled with zoning violations, it took
the property. The fire was about six to
us one and a half years in escrow and another year and a half of work and clean
seven miles up the canyon and the fire
up before we moved horses on the property this last May. We have recently
department has dozens of trucks there
welcomed John Bragg and his Bridgeport business as our flagship trainer.
already. That should have been our first
Last Sunday night the earth erupted and we have not had much sleep since.
warning and while we were aware of the
The fire started at the north end of Santiago canyon and within minutes it
Malibu fire, we still believed the best.
devoured several acres as it picked up steam and power. Chad Kearns, the
Then the fire just went crazy! As we stood
owner/my client, and I arrived in quick time to check the property. The fire was
watching, it was like a demon came out of
about six to seven miles up the canyon and the fire department has dozens of
the ground and waved winds on the flames
trucks there already. That should have been our first warning and while we were
and all of sudden the entire hillside was in
aware of the Malibu fire, we still believed the best.
a fire storm like nothing you could possible
Then the fire just went crazy! As we stood watching, it was like a demon
believe. It raced up that entire mountain
came out of the ground and waved winds on the flames and all of sudden the
in a matter of minutes and sounded like a
entire hillside was in a fire storm like nothing you could possible believe. It
freight train at full bore. THAT is exactly
raced up that entire mountain in a matter of minutes and sounded like a freight
what it turned out to be, a firestorm at full,
train at full bore. THAT is exactly what it turned out to be, a firestorm at full,
unstoppable speed. We stayed with the fire
unstoppable speed. We stayed with the fire fighters for several hours before we
fighters for several hours before we went
went back to our ranch and tried to get an hour or two of sleep. We felt fairly
back to our ranch and tried to get an hour
confident, after all the fire was miles away.
or two of sleep. We felt fairly confident,
Fire, fire everywhere. Southern California is burning. One wild fire after another
after all the fire was miles away.
has taken over the state at this point. Dry conditions all year have set the stage
Awakening before six am, the air was
for unbelievably destructive fires. Where there is vegetation, that usually means
very still and there was an eerie feeling to
there is open space and where there is open space in California, there are usually
the situation. Making a pot of coffee, we
horses. When the mix of fire and animals comes together, it is dangerous and
drove back to the fire area only to find
life threatening.
it had moved the miles up the canyon in
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