





gence renders what humans know a speck of dust in an otherwise pristinely clean ballroom. Science has given us a great deal of advantages, but it has also skewed the perceptions of many away from confidence and trust in something greater than science alone can offer. There is a rational desire to be able to prove as much as we can, to unlock the vault to be discovered if we could just further tap into the source of that synergy – that intercon- nectivity among the various parts of the body, for instance. When that desire manifests a battle between science and God, though, it is grounds for taking a step back to re-evaluate. Truly, it is just another reason why all or nothing culture needs to move aside and make way for the currently elusive middle ground, the place where human evolution will continue (why not science and God?)

There is a certain safety in focusing only on the things that

can be controlled, but to understand the “doctor inside” and, thus, to better comprehend health conceptually, there must be recognition that there is much beyond our conscious control and that some guiding intelligence governs the rest. When eating food, for instance, our control ends at chewing and swallowing. There is no conscious requirement for digestion of the food, so what controls digestion? What prevents the bite slightly too big from getting lodged in the tubes of the small intestine? What maintains the steady rhythm of contracting and relaxing used to push food through the system? What makes the enzymes break down the food and disperse nutrients to the rest of the body? The

answer is intelligence, which many call God, maintaining har- mony so that internal chaos does not ensue.

Holistic professions like Upper Cervical Chiropractic posit that a primary way to give the “doctor inside” a chance to work is to correct head/neck misalignment, which balances the body and allows the proper flow of communication from the brain to the affected areas, immediately relaxing muscles, increasing blood and oxygen circulation, and stimulating the self-healing process to continue optimally. The power that made the body can heal the body if interference to its function is removed.

Synergy – harmony is synonymous here – can be seen ev-

erywhere. Any diehard sports fan knows about the whole being greater than the sum of its parts; it is clear and obvious when watching elite teams that a highly coordinated effort among coaches and players, and not a series of random occurrences from exceptional individuals, leads to victory. The same could be said of a superlative symphony orchestra and the beautiful music that it produces. It is organization at its conscious finest. “The doctor inside” is organization at God’s finest.

Written by Chad McIntyre, DC of the Triad Upper Cervical Clinic, 432A West Mountain Street, Kernersville. For an appoint- ment, call 336-992-2536 or visit for more information. See ad on page 19.


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