





3 Myths About Type 2 Diabetes By Katherine Layman, ND

with every diabetic or heart disease patient that I see is that they have been told, “You need to take this medication (Metformin, Lipitor) for the rest of your life, and this condition is likely to get worse.” Unfortu- nately, if you follow those directions, and do nothing else, it is true. You are likely go- ing to get worse. However, there are steps you can take that completely change the game. It doesn’t have to get worse.

D Let’s examine one case example from

my practice. For many of my patients, experiences accumulated over their lifetime have led them to the path of diabetes and/or heart disease. Emily was 26 years old when she fi rst presented to my offi ce, and she was already on the road toward diabetes and heart disease. She had struggled with severe anxiety since her early teens and her primary care physician helped her to sup- press these symptoms with anti-depressants and anti-anxiety medications. She had been taking these medications since the age of 14 without much relief from her anxiety and as a result she had gained over 40 pounds, developed high cholesterol, high blood pressure, and her fasting blood sugar levels were slowly increasing. Her primary care physician then recommended some dietary changes in an attempt to delay her need to begin blood pressure and cholesterol-lower- ing medications. He did, however, warn her that she would likely need them at some point in the future.

When she fi rst came to see me, Emily

was very anxious about her health and struggling to maintain the diet changes rec- ommended by her primary care doctor. She described how she was easily overwhelmed by daily life, resulting in extreme irritabil- ity and panic, as well as tension headaches every evening. Every little stressor through- out her day felt massive and insurmount- able, and on top of it she had developed an irritating skin condition. Due to her extreme anxiety about her health and a fear of diabetes and heart disease she obsessed

id you know that heart disease is the leading cause of death for diabetics? The biggest commonality

over her diet and was very hard on herself. This led to self-sabotaging behavior. If she strayed just a little bit from her diet on any given day she would become irate with herself, completely give up, and binge on unhealthy foods.

Clearly, something had to change. I recommended some nutritional changes to expand Emily’s diet and fl ood her cells with nutrients from whole foods, along with a few simple movement and lifestyle recom- mendations. Perhaps most importantly, I recommended Emily begin taking a homeo- pathic medicine prescribed specifi cally for her unique set of symptoms. She started taking homeopathic Sulphur 30c one time per day. (I will discuss the importance of in- cluding homeopathic medicine in treatment below). It is important to note that Emily continued to take all of the medications prescribed by her primary care physician.

Within one month, Emily reported a complete resolution of her symptoms and she was well on her way to not only controlling her metabolic condition, but reversing the damage that had been done. She no longer experienced any anxiety and in fact reported that her mood was so stable she hadn’t felt even a hint of “overwhelm” in the last few weeks before follow-up. She reported a complete resolution in her head- aches, irritability, and anxiety and had only felt mild itching once in the last week. She

What is different about the course that Emily took in treatment from the typical diabetic or heart disease patient? There are 3 basic misunderstandings that a majority of diabetic and cardiovascular disease patients have about their condition. If they believe and live as if these misunderstandings are true, they will literally sabotage their poten- tial for a healthy future. No matter your age, recognizing these misunderstandings and how to overcome them will help your body to reverse Type 2 Diabetes and cardiovascu- lar disease.

Misunderstanding #1: It Always Gets Worse

According to the Centers for Disease Control, “Diabetes is Preventable and Con- trollable.” I would personally add to that “reversible.” I have seen it enough times to say with conviction that Type II diabetes is reversible. Much chronic cardiovascular disease is also reversible. By taking a natu- ropathic approach to diabetes that incorpo- rates the proper lifestyle, nutrition, and (the secret sauce) homeopathic medicine, not only does it not have to get worse, it can improve and completely reverse.

Misunderstanding #2: Diabetes and Cardiovascular Disease are Genetic, You Just Have to Learn to Live with It There is absolutely a genetic compo- nent to this disease. Certain people are more predisposed to diabetes than others.

reported that sticking to the dietary changes was easy and she felt hopeful for the fi rst time in years. Emily has since maintained all of her improvements and is well on her way to reversing her metabolic syndrome. She is working with her primary care physi- cian to decrease her prescription medica- tion dosages at a rate that is safe for her and we continue to work together so that she maintains her improvements throughout that process.

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