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ALWAYSwondered how other people do it? If we keep doing what we are doing, we will keep

getting the results we’ve got. Isn’t that what we teach our children? Our co-workers? Even the advice we give our friends and family is along the same lines when we try to help. However, if what you have been doing thus far doesn’t work, isn’t it time to try something else?

T e same question goes (or should go) through anybody’s mind at one time or another, regarding their fi nances. How can it be my portfolio is a fl at line over time, and this guy makes a bundle?

Whether we have made the right investment decisions in the past or will make them in the future largely depends on 2 things: 1, At what time do we feel we got ”added value for money “ and 2, what are the results have we been able to get.

When it comes to fi nances, a lot of us end up choosing between a G.I.C. and a Mutual fund investment. T ese choices are often based on the limited amount of investment products off ered by our primary fi nancial institution. We are basically settling for an investment based on lack of choices.

Have you ever bought a car or a house without undergoing extensive research? Didn’t you look at multiple options before deciding? When it comes to housing, cars, boy-toys or even plane-tickets, daycare, cable, washer/dryers we tend to compare, compare and compare till we fi nd the solution that gives us the result we seek to our personal “value for money” .

Fact is, in order to feel good about these kinds of decisions, we subconsciously eliminate options that do not fi t. So, why not do the same when it comes to our investments?!

Next to our house, our retirement will be our biggest asset, if all goes well. So we really should take time and investigate. We should get more information and compare. Wouldn’t you agree that a decision based on full information tends to be a better one than a decision based on very limited information, or lack of choices?

Don’t get me wrong: I am not saying there is anything wrong with your mutual fund investments. Long term these will generate a rate of return around 7 or 8%, as history shows. T ey are however very volatile as we have seen again and again. For some reason there are more mutual funds (2000 funds as of Aug 2009) than actual stocks going around, making choosing the right one almost an impossible task.

T ere are several other options out there for you to consider for your regular cash investments, your R.R.S.P.’s and R.R.I.F.’s or your T.F.S.A. (tax free savings account). Given the right options, it is fairly easy to compare those to your current investments in terms of average returns, worst returns, best returns, volatility, risk, costs, fees, content, guarantees etc etc etc.

T ese securities are called: (stock) market exempt securities and have been around for decades. T ings like Land-Banking, Flow through Shares, Principal Protected Notes, Annuities, Oil & Gas ventures, Gold or Silver Bullion, Real Estate Developments, Long Term Care facilities, Mortgage Investment Corporations, Life Settlements, Wind farms and many more.

Just suppose for the sake of argument, you could choose various options as part of your overall portfolio, and these options can present proven better track-records (up to 2 times the average mutual fund), would that be of interest to you? Just suppose these same options can show they have never lost any client any money, wouldn’t you like to know?

Because we believe in choices, my company works for you as an independent broker on the investment side as well as the insurance side. We sit on your side of the table to help you develop a personalized portfolio that makes the most sense for you.

Let us take a look at your fi nancial portfolio before making any decision. Worst case scenario: you would spend an hour of your time and conclude what you are doing now is the better choice for you. Even that would make your decision a better one, thus an hour well spent.

At Twinview Financial we are committed to fi nding the best fi nancial solutions for our clients. For an initial and free consultation, please call at 1-866-800-6565 (Kelowna). We do serve the whole valley!

Ivo Damme R.H.U., President Twinview Financial LTD

Independent fi nancial management and wealth solutions

Toll Free: 1-866-800-6565 Email: info@twinviewfi



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