





Craniosacral Therapy

nique. Cranio means head and sacral means pelvis. The whole body is evaluated through the craniosacral system, therefore the whole body may be treated through this technique. The craniosacral system is a physiological system made up


of membranes, bones, connective tissue and cerebrospinal fluid. The craniosacral system influences the nervous system, muscu- loskeletal system, vascular system lymphatic system, endocrine system and the respiratory system. Abnormalities or dysfunction of the craniosacral system may profoundly effect these other systems. An example of this is, a person with attention deficit disorder may have an abnormally rapid craniosacral rhythm. A person suffering from brain damage may have an abnormally slow craniosacral rhythm. The cranial bones may be jammed or misaligned. All the cranial bones are interconnected to one an- other; if one bone is out of alignment then all of them are out of alignment. Scarring or adhesions to the brain or spinal cord due to surgery, trauma, or disease may cause abnormalities in the craiosacral motion.. This can create stress and dysfunction to the central nervous system or anyone of the other system previously mentioned. The craniosacral system rhythmically expands and contracts

as it pumps cerebrospinal fluid throughout the dura mater. The dura mater is a tough membrane that encloses the brain and the spinal cord. It both protects the brain and the spinal cord and produces cerebrospinal fluid, which nourishes the brain. It has been discovered that the cranial bones of the skull contract and expand due to the rhythmic pressure of the cerebrospinal fluid. The dura mater plays a key role in the cranial bones' movement. The dura mater membrane is attached to the cranial bones, pre- venting abnormal pressure from building up on the brain by expanding and contracting rhythmically. The abnormal pressure may be due to the cranial bones being mis- aligned, scar tissue or adhesions on the brain or spinal cord. This abnormal pressure on the brain can contribute to pain, illness, or dysfunction. Therapeutic techniques have been developed to manipulate the cranial bones to realign cranial bones, relieve abnormal pressure,

raniosacral Therapy is a hands on, whole body treatment approach, and when done by a trained professional it is a very safe, gentle, effective hands on treatment tech-

adhesions and scarring on the brain and spinal cord to improve cranial sacral motion. This craniosacral motion is referred to as craniosacral rhythm, and can be palpated by a trained profes- sional easily on the head or throughout the body. The cranial bones are in constant motion, which allows for

the fluctuation of craniosacral fluid pressure. The bones are at- tached to the dura mater which encloses the brain and spinal cord and contains cerebrospinal fluid. The bones are used for diagnosis and for treatment. Treatment is performed with the hands of a trained medical professional. The therapist uses gentle, light pressure to locate the misalign bones or restriction and applies gentle, sustained pressure to allow for the restriction to release and the bones to realign and the rhythmic pressure to normalize. The therapist may apply light, sustained pressure to the cranial bones or transverse planes of the body during treat- ment. Gentle, light, pressure with the hands is used. The goal is to realign the cranial bones and release restrictions to allow the craniosacral rhythm and pressure to normalize. The ultimate goal is homeostasis and balance to the whole body. People who have not benefited from traditional therapies or

medications may benefit from craniosacral therapy. People who have been told by their doctor that they cannot find anything wrong with them may benefit from craniosacral therapy. Mis- aligned cranial bones, abnormal rhythm, adhesions and fascial restrictions don't always show up on MRIs, CT scans and x-rays. Craniosacral therapy is an effective treatment for chronic pain, neurological dysfunctions, birth trauma, concussion, traumatic brain injury, temporal mandibular joint dysfunction, pelvic floor dysfunction and headaches. Insurance should pay for this ther- apy if performed by a trained medical professional.

Written by Lori Dixon, OT/L of Dixon and Associates, 2004 Gatewood Avenue in High Point. Lori has been practicing as an occupational therapist for over 23 years. She has taught therapy techniques to other therapists through out North and South Carolina for over 10 years. For more information, visit Dixon- or call 336.889.5676 for an appointment. See ad on page 20.

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