





Monetize Your Mission

By Robin Clare

memories. My positive memories are as- sociated with the wonderful opportunities that I had to learn and hone top-shelf busi- ness skills. My negative memories spiral around the aggressive persona that I had to maintain to drive projects to successful completion as a female in male-energy- dominated Corporate America.


I found balance for my harder business edge during the work-week by studying spirituality on the weekends. I intuited I had a deep desire to live a more authentic life that intermingled my corporate and my spiritual personalities. The deeper I im- mersed myself in spiritual pursuits, the more I sensed that my Soul had a unique mission to accomplish by being a bridge between business and spirituality.

When I left traditional business to

fulfi l my Soul’s mission, I left behind what I thought was my aggressive masculine en- ergy. After all, why would I need to hold any aggressive energy in the world of holistic arts? But what I unknowingly left behind was the softer version of my aggressive per- other words, my assertive nature.

What is the subtle difference between

assertiveness and aggression? When operat- ing your own business, you often must be assertive. You must be willing to stand up for your personal value while making a living doing what you are passionate about. How does that fi t with the spiritual and wellness communities which thrive on the feminine energy of creativity and collaboration? Often, we see these values clash as many spiritual teachers, healers and wellness pro- viders are not fi nancially successful because they lose sight of their masculine energies.

The problem with losing the masculine- focused energy is that it’s this energetic side that draws in all the cash that you need for your business and your life. If your feminine and masculine energies are unbalanced, it’s inevitable that you will not receive your true monetary value for your magnifi cent gifts. Do you deny that your 37

hen I think about my past career in the traditional business world, I have both positive and negative

gifts are “magnifi cent”? Well, you have honed your craft as you live your extraordi- nary life journey - of course your work is priceless.

Pricing your services is one of the most

diffi cult aspects of moving into your own business. The little secret is that when you place an appropriate value on your work, then the clients who truly resonate with your offering will show up. Paying you your value will become a priority for them to get the results they need.

Becoming a successful holistic entre- preneur takes two sophisticated skill sets. The fi rst involves pursuing the knowledge and experience you need to be an expert in your fi eld. The second which often gets overlooked by holistic entrepreneurs is understanding how business works. Make no mistake that you are running a business and there are specifi c functions you’ll need to learn and do which are critical to your success. The also often overlooked consid- eration is that these functions can be done by you - but doing them yourself are not the best, most productive uses of your time.

As a novice entrepreneur, you may spend up to 80% of your time on admin- istrative tasks and only 20% of your time working with clients. You need to fl ip these percentages to not only become fi nancially successful, but to also live your life’s highest purpose in service to others. Over time, these excessive administrative activities will truly become a drain on your success.

It’s a rookie mistake for most entrepre- neurs in the healing arts to think you can’t afford a business coach, a bookkeeper, an assistant or a marketing person, but, you can’t rise to spiritual and fi nancial success unless you have these key support people. We all need business guidance in our holis- tic business. Every day, like you, I am faced with the process of valuing my worth, sell- ing my services, managing my business and being present 100% for my clients. Now, I surround myself with a team of experts in the areas that I need help with.

Whether you are a current holistic entrepreneur or are contemplating leaving your “day job” in whole or in part to pursue your Soul Mission, I encourage you to pay close attention to setting your value and cre- ating a business structure that will support it. In other words, don’t just work in your busi- ness but work on your business every day. Please connect with me to explore how to fi ne-tune your Soul Mission and to help you create a strategy to monetize your mission.

Natural Nutmeg Readers take $50 off your Soul Mission Reveal

Robin Clare is an experienced corporate MBA, non-profi t administrator and holistic entre- preneur. Robin is an advanced Akashic Record reader and a certifi ed 13th Octave La Ho

Chi energy healing practitioner. Robin won 2nd place in Natural Nutmeg’s Readers Poll for exceptional energy healers. She is the author of Messiah Within and the Amazon Best Selling spiritual book, The Divine Keys. Robin guides others to live their Soul Mis- sion, remove their success blockers and cre- ate strategies for life and business success. Robin is available to speak to your commu- nity. To learn more about Robin, please go to: or call 860-232-3331. See ad on page 42.

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