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The Secret to Sales Success?

Inner Magic at Work. BILL MCDERMOTT

Bill McDermott is CEO of SAP. In this monthly Selling Power magazine column, he shares vital lessons about selling, success, and winning. Each column includes a short video featuring McDermott, so you learn from a role model whose clarity of thought and passion for winning generated extraordinary results. Check out Bill McDermott’s book, Winners Dream: A Journey from Corner Store to Corner Office.

In past columns, I’ve referred to something I call “inner magic,” a quality inside each of us that is essential to suc- cess. It’s a combination of two elements: passion and skill. When our inner magic is tapped, we feel inspired to excel, and we are in a position to do work at which we excel. From my earliest days in business, I’ve tried to tap the inner magic of my colleagues. As a sales manager, I always dedicated time to discovering what motivated people – beyond their professional aspirations. To figure out what mattered to them, I asked simple questions. “What do you want?” “What are your dreams?”

Of course, most salespeople want to make money – but to what end? What did they hope to get aside from a pay- check? Did they desire a house? A college education for their kids? More time with family? Travel? Helping those in need? A new Tesla? Maybe they just loved solving custom- ers’ problems. Once I understood what drove people, I encouraged them to share it with their coworkers, as well as to remind themselves daily about that ultimate prize. I also gave my teams something to collectively care about. Leaders are in a position to define and supply a cause that further inspires people to come together and do their best. A cause is a goal imbued with meaning – a higher purpose. An idea worth fighting for. We will be the best! We will be #1! We will make history! We will make our company, our industry, the world a better place! If, as a leader, I could help people focus on their per- sonal dreams as well as a cause that stirred their emotions, I was halfway to tapping their inner magic.


Next, I had to maximize and share people’s talents. To identify activities at which people excelled, I would ask them, “What are your strengths?” More importantly, however, I would observe them in action, because people don’t always recognize areas where they outperform oth- ers. Once I knew Jim was our top closer and that Susan was our best negotiator, I had them teach their particular skill to others. Pollinating the team with each person’s tal- ent made all of us stronger. There is a limit, however, to how much a manager can do. Other factors also play a role in tapping inner magic. First, a workplace’s culture is key. Every office has stated values and standards as well as unwritten rules that influ- ence employees’ communication styles, behaviors, and decision making. Culture also affects morale. Not every company’s culture is suited for every individual, and a mis- match can make even the most talented, self-motivated salesperson a sub-optimal contributor. On the other hand, a harmonious cultural fit – paired with a stellar manager – can turn a once-mediocre performer into a superstar. Finally, I also believe that we are each responsible for understanding our own inner magic – and the types of managers and cultures that best suit us. Passions and skills evolve over time, so it’s incumbent on individuals to know themselves at every stage of their careers. Here, a few key points and questions worth considering to

ensure everyone’s inner magic shines – including your own. People excel at the intersection of passion and talent. Ask yourself: When was the last time I made a list of what matters most to me? Is my professional life serving my current passions and desires? Am I being honest about my greatest strengths, and does my current job call upon my best skills every day? What, specifically, is my inner magic? Culture influences our ability to thrive. Ask yourself: How would I describe my company’s overarching culture? What are the unwritten rules and expectations? Does this envi- ronment stifle or fit me? My team members? Do we each work at a place where we can be ourselves and thrive? Ultimately, we are each responsible for harnessing our own inner magic. Ask yourself: If I am unhappy or not working up to my potential, do I blame my boss or my company? Or do I recognize that I also have the power to shift my career path? Is there a way to harness my talents in my current role that I am not pursuing? Do I feel good about my company’s mission, and do I remind myself every day that I am working toward something more meaningful than a paycheck?

QUESTIONS FOR SALES MANAGERS: Do you know what your direct reports are personally passionate about, and have you given them a greater cause to care about? Do you ask them about their dreams? Do you take the time to explore what gives them mean- ing? Have you articulated a collective cause that the team

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