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Summer GUIDE #1

Santa Rosa, CA. ~ When I was a kid in school, it was forbid- den to chew gum in class.

don’t remember the reason for this, but I do re- member being punished by hav- ing to put my wad of gum on my nose for the class period. I think it was probably more motivated by the ICK factor of what people often did with

their gum when it had lost its fl avor; stuck it on the underside of tables or dropped it on the ground.

Then when I was getting my master’s degree in education at San Francisco State Univer- sity it was suggested that when I was tutoring a student with a delay of some sort, to offer some no-sugar snack as we were studying together. Again, outside of some form of reward for progress I really didn’t un- derstand why I was doing what I was doing.

by Chance Massaro, M.A. • Later, when I was writing


individualized education plans for the students I was tutoring I included us- ing gum or non sugary snacks to increase


sensory input which accom- panied the


son. We know full well that the more senses are involved in a learning experience the easier it will be to

focus and later remember. Today, research continues to

explain the benefi ts of chew- ing and swallowing. Japanese researchers recently studied habitual gum chewers and found that they had signifi cant- ly fewer heart attacks. Well, hey!

What’s going on here?

O.K. Let’s break this down. First, the muscles you are

using to chew are right next to you two major memory cen- ters: the temporal lobes of your brain. As you chew you bring more blood (more nutrients,

Making the decision to have a child is momentous. It is to decide

forever to have your heart go walking around outside your body. Elizabeth Stone

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707-545-2337 • UPBEAT TIMES • June 2015 • 13

more oxygen) to that part of your head. Greater circulation means better function, very reasonable.

Second, there are the impres- sions made by taste and smell. While these are predominately non verbal senses, they are nonetheless profound in their impact, especially the impact of smell. Smell is actually our best sense; you can iden- tify more smells than you can distinguish colors or sounds (we simply have a very lim- ited vocabulary for describing smells: exactly how does burn- ing newspaper smell?). When information is entering the brain through the eyes and ears a strong odor can greatly help that information “stick”. More senses involved means more ways to retrieve that informa- tion.


Third, we all know that we learn

faster and easier

when we are relaxed (this part is connected to the lower heart

Cheers to You Dad...Happy Fathers Day!

attack in gum chewers). When you are chewing and swallow- ing, you are sending this clear message to your brain stem, the most primitive and physically controlling part of your brain: EVERYTHING IS O.K. Think about it, you meet someone and want to get to know them you invite them to lunch, all posi- tive holidays and rituals involve some chewing and swallowing. Also this is the reason so many of us are overweight: we want to quell our anxiety, so we eat. So whenever you want to re- member something, chew some non sugary (xylitol!) gum. As- sociate

the fl avor with what

you want to remember, and bingo! You’ll remember. And you’ll remember to dispose of it properly!

UPBEAT TIMES • June 2015 • 13 Chew Your Way to a Better Memory JOKES & Humor #6

Dewey is sitting at the bar staring morosely into his beer. Steve walks in, sits down, and asks him what the problem is. “Well,” said Dewey, “I ran afoul of one of those awkward questions women ask. Now I’m in deep trouble at home.”

“What kind of question?” asked Steve.

“My wife asked me if I would still love her when she gets old, large and wrinkly.”

“That’s easy,” said Steve. “You just say, ‘Of course I will.’”

“Yeah,” said Dewey, “that’s what I meant to say, except I said, ‘Of course I DO...’”



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