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Nipping Candida in the Bud HEALING ARTS By Li Hua, L. Ac. TCMD.

So far this year summer hasn’t been excessively hot, but there is so much more rain than usual the humidity has been extreme. Mould and fungus are more prolific than usual. According to traditional Chinese medicine, the weather can influence the body’s balance. Because of this damp weather, more people are complaining about Candida.

Candida is a kind of parasitic yeast-like fungus that trav- els through the bloodstream to many parts of the body, lives in the intestines, gastrointestinal tract, genital tract, esophagus, ears, nose, throat, mouth and vagina with the other bacteria and yeasts. If the fungus overtakes the body’s nautral balance, it will weaken the immune system and cause an infection called Candida.

The main symptoms include allergies, environment sensitivities, constipation, diarrhea, colitis, abdominal pain, headaches, bad breath, rectal itching, impotence, memory loss, mood swings, protatitis, thrush, canker sores, persistent heartburn, muscle and joint pain, sore throat, congestion, nagging cough, numbness in the face or extremities, tingling sensation, acne, night sweats, severe itching, clogged sinuses, PMS, burning tongue, white spots on the tongue and in the mouth, extreme fatigue, vaginitis, kidney and bladder infections, arthritis, depression, hyperactivity, hypoglycemia, hypothyroid- ism, adrenal problems, and even diabetes. Candida may also found on baby’s buttocks, appearing as a diaper rash or manifesting as athlete’s foot or jock itch. The tendency to have Candida may be hereditary and run in families. When Candida travels through the bloodstream, it attacks every organ and system in the body. It will cause a type of blood poisoning called Candida septice- mia. Candida may also occur in the people with a seri- ous underlying illness, such as advanced cancer or AIDS. People who take a prolonged antibiotic regimen will suffer Candida because antibiotics weaken the immune system and also kill the good bacteria that usually keeps Candida under control. In addition, pregnancy and cer- tain drugs use may increase the risk of Candida.

Western medicine’s – anti-fungal medications have a risk of drug resistance if when used long term or often.

Chinese medicine uses a holistic approach to all illnesses. According to the Chinese medical model, an unbalanced body can lead to illness. To assist in bringing the body back into balance, acupuncture may be used to help correct Candida effectively and successfully without any medicine or herbs involved. Acupuncture works to strengthen the body’s self-healing ability. When stress, an imbalance environment, improper diet, or illness is present, the body is weakened and cannot access its self healing ability. Acupuncture stimulates self-healing by awakening the organs’ energy creating balance within the whole body. It improves the blood circulation, re- enforces the immune system, increases the good bacte- ria, and creates a balanced environment where Candida cannot survive. In some cases Chinese herbs are added

Oracle 20/20 September 2013 to get faster results.

Meanwhile, it is important to have healthy life style. Use a dehumidifier or air conditioning to keep rooms dry and mould or fungus free, especially during damp-hot weather. Wear cotton underwear and change undercloth- ing daily. Limit sugar, sugary drinks (wine, beer, fruit juice, etc.), fruits, and carbohydrates. Choose a fruit-free, sugar-free, gluten-free, and yeast-free diet. Sugar can make Candida worse. Eat plain live cultured yogurt, oat bran, millet, brown rice, beans and cooked vegetables. Avoid honey, candy, chocolate, dry fruits, baked goods, fermented foods, aged cheeses, raw mushrooms and alcohol. Drink boiled water, spring water, bottled water, or distilled water. Exercise as part of your daily life. Do walking or breathing exercise which are simple, safe to do and easy to find a place to do them. Tai Chi, Qi Gong and Yoga are highly recommended daily. Keep the body balanced and healthy to prevent Candida.

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Test compliments of: dida-test-how-to-tell-if-you-have-candida/

Contact Li Hua L.Ac. TCMD at Atlanta Acupuncture Center or 404-250-9903 or e-mail lihua@ or surf her web site at


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