This page contains a Flash digital edition of a book.




New Hampshire History .... 22


The Mail Boat....

Steve Vaillancourt....... Michelle Malkin .... Oliver North ....... Thomas Sowell...... John Metzler ........ Advocates .......

4 6 6 7 7 7 9


Here There & Everywhere... 5 On The Trails & Summits..

Home Improvement 101.... 13 Renovation Psychology... Church Meditations.... Apron Tales........


Out On The Town...

Real Estate Guide.... Home Services....


Classifieds ........

The Puzzler Page .... The Funnies .......

11 15

19 31

Home & Garden Guide.. 12-17 Your Money.......

10 29

39 32

33 35



The Weirs Times was first published in 1883 by Mathew H. Calvert. The newspaper, then named Calvert’s Weirs Times and Tourists’ Gazette, was published until Mr. Calvert’s death in 1902.

One of the most remarkable features of the publication was a map of Lake Winnipesaukee which occupied the center spread of the paper. Readers will find the same map reprinted on the center pages of this, and every issue.

The new Weirs Times was re-established in 1992 and strives to maintain the patriotic spirit of its predecessor as well as his devotion to the interests of Lake Winnipesaukee and vicinity.


Locally owned for over 17 years, this publication is devoted to printing the stories of the people and places that make New Hampshire the best place in the world to live. No, none of the daily grind news will be found in these pages, just the good stuff.

30,000 copies are distributed every week in the Lakes Region/Concord area. 15,000 delivered to

Advertise with confidence. Circulation Verified by

More Property Taxes

To The Editor: This morning I read where the ski industry is worried about the man- date in the new law that employers will have to pay Health Insurance for part time employees of 120 days or a fine of $2000. The cost to our towns will be terrible in property tax- es because many towns and cities have schools with part time aides, sec- retaries and food service workers as well as others. This is a cost to take effect in September which isn’t figured into the budgets which will send many small towns not counting on the cost over the brink. Guess what? It gets added to the property taxes. Taxpayers will wonder

at the increased tax bills but will they think back to how the unions lob- bied for this extra cost to them. What were my Congres-

sional Representatives thinking in sending more mandates back for the taxpayers? What was President Obama think- ing? I know they thought businesses would pay the bill not the Taxpayer! Well we not only get to pay for the costs of health insurance for part time

employees now we will also pay more for grocer- ies, services, car parts and repairs, etc. because every business that pays more will increase their costs on the products we all buy.

Harriet E. Cady Deerfield, NH.

Engage Us, Don’t Enrage Us

To The Editor: Defy the wi l l of the American people and you will pay the price - We’ll vote you out of office in November! Make no mis- take about it. Ronald Reagan had

prized values that are shared by the majority of Americans and American Founders and he lived them. He worked diligent- ly as president to improve our great nation. He loved it and its people. His great- ness derived from the fact that he was a good man who respected and hon- ored the public he served. He understood that indi- vidual freedom was the core value of America’s strength and prosperity. When compared to other presidents of the 20th and 21st centuries, Ron- ald Reagan was the one

Getting Married?

or our next

Come and join us f

Audit Completed 09/30/09

communities along the shores of Lake Winnipesaukee and another 15,000 to neighboring cities and towns. An independent circulation audit estimates that over 60,000 people read the Weirs Times every week.

To advertise your business or service call 1-888-308-8463.

Published year round on Thursdays by The Weirs Publishing Company, Inc. PO Box 5458, Weirs, NH 03247 603-366-8463 Fax 603-366-7301


New England

Bridal Expo

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Exhibitor Opportunity 603-236-7861

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most like our founding fa- thers because he believed in liberty and knew that big government was not the answer, but rather a free people that knows what is best for them and their families. Oh! how we miss him so very much. He was the leader of our times. President R e a g a n was cor- rect when h e s a i d “It’s not my intention to do away with gov- ernment . It is rather t o make it work - work with the people, not over them, to stand by our side, not r ide o n o u r backs.” The Great Com- municator was the voice of the people, by the peo- ple and for the people. There are untold numbers of Reagans out there. We need them to step forward and serve in high office with dignity and honor, restoring our greatness and industrial might the world over. Honesty is the first chapter of the book of wisdom! Hence, these are the type of young men and women we need to repre- sent us in Congress. Scott Brown’s stunning upset victory in Massa- chusetts for the U.S. Sen- ate seat, held for nearly a half a century by Senator Ted Kennedy, made na- tional headlines. He won against all odds clearly being the underdog and a long shot at best. His victory inspired many and discouraged others who saw the handwriting on the wall and opted out of the political arena. Upon being sworn in, putting

his hand on our Sacred Bible, he solemnly pledged to uphold, protect and de- fend the Constitution of the United States. I look at bright, articu-

late, honest and commit- ted men and women that I have come to know as

THE WEIRS TIMES, Thursday, April 15, 2010

Ronald Reagan with Guy Giunta.

born leaders, destined in their lifetime to keep alive the greatness of America - such as Tony Giunta, Former Mayor of Frank- lin; Scott Hilliard, popu- lar Sheriff of Merrimack County; Fran Wendleboe, highly respected State Representative; Omer Ahearn, former standout State Representative and prominent attorney in Plymouth and Guy Giunta Jr., lifelong political activ- ist and adviser to many aspiring to public office, just to name a few. Congress you have

awakened and energized the vast majority of Ameri- cans who did not want this Health Care Reform bill passed. What’s at stake is huge cuts in Medicare and raising taxes to pay for this debacle. Our weapon - clear and simple - vot- ing you out of office in November. The one thing you can take with you for the rest of your life

See MAIL BOAT on 27

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