This page contains a Flash digital edition of a book.



Michelle Malkin .... Oliver North ....... Thomas Sowell...... John Metzler ........ Advocates .......


Historical Society News .... 22


The Mail Boat....

4 7 7 8 8 9


A FOOL In New Hampshire..


Rambling Through History... 13 Home Improvement 101.... 17 Renovation Psychology...


Here There & Everywhere... 22 Fish Tales................ Church Meditations....

20 27


Home & Garden Guide.. 14-18 Out On The Town... Your Money.......

Real Estate Guide.... Home Services....


Classifieds ........

The Funnies .......


The Puzzler Page ....

One of the most remarkable features of the publication was a map of Lake Winnipesaukee which occupied the center spread of the paper. Readers will find the same map reprinted on the center pages of this, and every issue.

The new Weirs Times was re-established in 1992 and strives to maintain the patriotic spirit of its predecessor as well as his devotion to the interests of Lake Winnipesaukee and vicinity.


Locally owned for over 17 years, this publication is devoted to printing the stories of the people and places that make New Hampshire the best place in the world to live. No, none of the daily grind news will be found in these pages, just the good stuff.

30,000 copies are distributed every week in the Lakes Region/Concord area. 15,000 delivered to

Advertise with confidence. Circulation Verified by


28-29 34 32


36-37 39

Constitutional Questions

To the Editor: Does this nation still

The Weirs Times was first published in 1883 by Mathew H. Calvert. The newspaper, then named Calvert’s Weirs Times and Tourists’ Gazette, was published until Mr. Calvert’s death in 1902.

exist and function as the Constitutional Republic it was designed to be and set into motion by the Founding Fathers? We have now been captured by the present Adminis- tration and its legion of SocIalistic myrmidons committed to making of our nation a Marxist- Socialist ghetto and slave camp. Shall we willing- ly accept this creeping bondage it intends to be? While this nation slept, the Trojan horse was rolled into our midst. Where were the guards at the gates, assigned to be ever vigilant? Do we know what we should have learned of the pup- pet leader of this coup? What are his credentials and how does he justify his ascendancy to the na- tion’s highest office? From our Constitution

we read in Art.II, Sec. I, paragraph 6: “No person except a natural born Citizen or a Citizen of the United States, at the time of the Adoption of this Constitution, shall be eligible to the Office of President;...” By this Article has the

present occupant of this Office of President prop- erly fulfilled this stipula- tion? Has he presented an authentic birth certificate now however sealed in the Judiciary of the State of Hawaii? Has Congress refused to seat him before his complete and candid disclosure of his place of origin? The answer is No. Has he convinc- ingly refuted claims, that his place of birth was the Coastal Hospital in Mombasa, Kenya, son of a British-subject father and a reputedly-turncoat mother, formerly Ameri- can? The answer is No. Turning to Art. I, Sec.

9, paragraph 8 we read: “No title of Nobility shall

be granted by the Unit- ed States: And no Per- son holding any Office of Profit or Trust under them, shall, without the Consent of the Congress accept of any present, Emolument, Office, or Ti- tle, of any kind whatever, from any King, Prince, or foreign State.” Astonishingly, even be-

fore validation of this per- son’s place of origin has been established Con- gress granted him leave to accept an office of a for- eign State: Chairmanship of the United Nations Se- curity Council; what has come over our legislative, executive and judicial branches of government allowing this treason and perfidy against our Con- stitution? Here at home, how answer New Hamp- shire’s four Congressio- nal delegates, so far silent in these two matters? Do their oaths of office, swearing fealty to the Constitution and its con- tents mean nothing? Do they now forswear this oath? What has come of our Republic? Do we im- peach and try? Citizens: Speak!


General Store

Mobil GAS


Audit Completed 09/30/09

communities along the shores of Lake Winnipesaukee and another 15,000 to neighboring cities and towns. An independent circulation audit estimates that over 60,000 people read the Weirs Times every week.

To advertise your business or service call 1-888-308-8463.

Published year round on Thursdays by The Weirs Publishing Company, Inc. PO Box 5458, Weirs, NH 03247 603-366-8463 Fax 603-366-7301




Propane Fill Station & Exchange

Fishing & Hunting Licenses OHRV Registrations

Rt. 16 & 25 • West Ossipee

John E. Loder Moultonboro, NH.

Another Unfair Tax Burden

To The editor: The considerable oppo-

sition to the new, unfair LLC state tax on small businesses is having re- sults. There is a strong likelihood that it will be repealed (The Conway Daily Sun, 3/16/10, P. 3). Unfortunately, New Hampshire is now look- ing at other ways to tax citizens to raise the $15 million in anticipated tax revenue loss if this LLC tax is repealed. Details are limited but

under consideration is a tax on income from dividends and interest

derived from out-of-state partnerships and trusts. These dividends are al- ready taxed by the federal government. By state law they have been exempt from state tax. The pro- posal now is to go after this source of income. This is a case where busi- ness is being spared an unfair tax but the burden may be shifted to citi- zens (many retired and on fixed income) who depend on every penny of this in- come. A very unfair state tax proposal! The best solution is for

Concord to cut spending by $15 million! Consider that the national private sector unemployment rate is still near 10% with millions out of work. However, the state and federal government un- employment rate is near zero! In fact, Obama’s jobs programs have cre- ated a disproportionate number of new (mostly permanent) government jobs at taxpayers’ ex- pense. This will only get worse with the passage of the health care bill and many more government jobs are added to admin- ister it also at taxpayers’ expense. This proposed state tax

is just another burden on taxpayers by a govern- ment that is clearly out of touch with them. It is time for our state govern- ment to act responsibly and to cut spending and to do without just like so many struggling families and businesses have had to do in these hard times. If you agree with this so- lution, please copy this letter and mail it (with a tea bag!) to your local and state politicians. They will then get the message the only way they seem to understand.

John Hartman Eaton, NH.

THE WEIRS TIMES, Thursday, April 8, 2010


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