





Create a Safer Haven With electromagnetic radiation blanketing the atmosphere from coast to coast, our homes may offer the only sanctuary from this particular form of pollution—providing we take some low- tech, commonsense steps to minimize house- hold exposure to the health risk.

Find Some Distance EMFs decrease with distance, so the farther away, the better. Switch to a battery-operated alarm clock, ditch the electric blanket, move the bed away from power outlets and keep wireless baby monitors six feet from beds.

There are lots

of solutions for reducing your

exposure without ditching every

electronic [device] in your house.

—Risa Suzuki, EMF expert

Unplug Each Night Disable Wi-Fi routers and remove all digital appliances and gad- gets to make the bedroom a healing haven, says Gittleman.

Identify Overlooked Sources “Almost all the homes I walk into have printers with wireless turned on, transmitting frequencies in the thousands of micro- watts per square meter,” says EMF expert Risa Suzuki, a certified building biology environmental consultant in Seattle. “Wireless boosters also constantly transmit radio frequency.” Other overlooked household EMF sources include smart

meters and household appliances both large and small, including hair dryers, electric shavers and cordless phones.

Change Wireless Habits Cell phones are prolific EMF producers, so if disconnecting isn’t an option, use a speak- erphone or an air tube headset, similar to a doctor’s stethoscope, whenever possible, Gittle- man advises in Zapped. Never carry the phone against the body when it’s turned on. For computers and tablets, switch to wired

internet and turn on Wi-Fi only when nec- essary. Opt for a wired mouse, keyboard and other plugged-in accessories.

Shield With Caution Although there are a variety of EMF-shielding products, experts warn against relying solely on

them. “EMFs can bounce and deflect off surfaces, and materials have a certain threshold of what they can shield against,” says Suzuki. Do some research, ask questions and consult with an expert before making a purchase. “It’s easy to get overwhelmed when learning about EMFs,

and many people feel totally helpless,” says Suzuki. “But there are lots of solutions for reducing your exposure without ditching every electronic [device] in your house. If you’re willing to take action, then you can absolutely make a positive impact on your health.” Emily Courtney is a freelance health and wellness writer and editor living

in northern Colorado. Connect at

Healthy Home, Healthy Body Combat EMFs M

odifying the use of electronics is just one piece of the puzzle in reducing the health impact of EMFs. Other

healthy habits include:

Going green. Certain plants that absorb radiation and other indoor air pollution can be great additions to a healthy home environment. Te betel leaf plant, stone lotus flower, spider plant, snake plant and cactus are all good options for helping to clean the air.

Fortifying health. A strong, nourished body provides greater protection from many health challenges, including EMF exposure. Ann Louise Gittleman suggests consuming superfoods, minerals and supplements that bolster health, such as artichokes, blueberries, rosemary, turmeric, melatonin, whey protein powder and milk thistle.

Earthing. Physically connecting with the earth enables a transfer of electrons into the body, which helps to neutralize the free radicals that build up from EMF exposure. “Go out in nature as much as possible to discharge energies,” says Gittleman. Te easiest way to practice earthing is walking barefoot outside.

January 2019 31

Accessorizing. Many experts, including Gittleman, recom- mend wearing jewelry made of shungite, a black mineraloid composed almost entirely of carbon that can absorb harmful radiation from EMFs.

For more information on EMFs and public health, go to:

n National Cancer Institute

n National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences

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