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Suffolk Preservation Society (SPS)

Date /Document

Phase 2 Consultation comments


Society has concerns that the Bawdsey Manor historic assemblage and SSSI (Geological) could be affected should HDD prove ineffective.

East Suffolk Internal Drainage Board (ESIDB)

Phase 2 Consultation comments

Local soils are known to be quite unstable; therefore significant works may be required for several years following cable installation to ensure watercourse bank stability.

Highlighted the frequency of marsh flooding and how marshes have shrunk over the years, including leaving one or two bridges ‘high and dry’. Suggested consideration of the possible need to relay cables in the future to address land shrinkage problems that may arise.

Response / where addressed in the East Anglia ES

EAOW propose the use of HDD techniques only at the landfall.

Open cut techniques are not proposed.

Detailed crossing methodologies would be prepared prior to construction and would take account of works necessary to ensure bank stability.

Detailed project design including cable burial depths and routing of trenches within the working width would take account of land shrinkage risks.

Storage and handling of soils during construction, and reinstatement following construction will be completed following strict guidelines to protect soil qualities.

Bawdsey Parish Council (BPC)

Phase 2 Consultation comments

Details regarding cable landfall route and potential impacts on erosion due to landfall required.

Details on cable landfall route are provided within Volume 1, Chapters 3 and 4.

Potential disruption to coastal morphology at the cable landfall is considered within the ES in Volume 2, Chapter 6.

Natural Phase 2 Potential for These issues all fall within


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