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Date /Document



potentially significant impact on the SSSI, resulting in the loss of material.


Phase 2 Consultation comments

Open cut trench needs to be located in the least sensitive part of the SSSI. Require a geological survey to be undertaken to identify this, and seeking to agree survey requirements in advance.

Post determination of the location, the area affected will need to be exposed and recorded before work starts.

Watching brief required during construction to record temporary sections and fossils encountered.


Phase 2 Consultation comments

Unclear what the precise impact of the temporary works and access road would be; therefore further information required. Ideally these should also be situated outside the SSSI beyond the northern boundary, as per above comments.

There are no anticipated direct impacts on the SSSI, as the temporary access route are proposed to be constructed outwards from the cliff face, not excavated into it. The temporary access route would be removed after construction. Given the proposed location of the temporary works at the landfall being on the beach and above the cliffs, these would not directly affect the SSSI.

Response / where addressed in the East Anglia ES

landfall site.

The use of HDD would preclude the excavation of any trenches within the SSSI.


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