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Kevin ’98 & Jacque ’00 Schafer


How did yo meet

J + K:We me the first t m wh l Kevi wa sing n BS Lounge i in

n Standale. clearl mesmer zed b th

Kevin was singiing karaok at he BS oung

met the first tiime whiile karaoke at the

tandale. Jacqu wa

clearly mesmeriized by the ta ent Months ater we ad

that reiintroduced us when Jacque needed

Favorite memory of Grand K: My fraternity does an annual

Favorite memory of Grand trip

trip around Lake Michigan f My en o year

nto the clock t end to my time a

acque was tallent.

Months later, we had mutua fr end that e ntrodu ed us when Jacque needed a dat

utual friiends ate for her sorority s ormal

fraternity does an annual bike round Lake Michigan for char ty My seniior year wa part of th final team hat finished the riiding into the clock t great end

team that finished the seven da trip r di gr

he clock tower. It was y time a Grand V lley

r,, I was part of the final d the seven day trip It was a

time at Grand Valley. Favorite quo e

“Dance like nobody is ke you v ne er be yo don’t ne’t need the

ou’v’ e never been not take..”

J: Dance like nobody is watching, lov like

you don’t need the money.” K:K: “You miss 00% of no take ”

hy is iiit imp

r been hurturt, work l likeike he money.”

urt,, wo miss 100% of he hots ou of the shots you do

J + K:: Grand Valley has given so much to

to us as a return on our in that

s as a return on our in at we feel it is our r

our investment tmen We ecided t make a beques tment eel it is our role t give ba our role to give ba back.

We decided to make a bequest in ou will or Grand Valley so that others have the same opportunitiies..

Wha mpact do you hop

J: I still emember the relief rece vin

ave me the chance t

till remember the relief I fel receiiving scho arship dollars. I It scholarship dollars.l more han the education it aff t gav me the chanc iinvo ved

dollars. nce to get

schollarship opportunit e that them

them to focu more developmen


development iinsteanstead of ow lliveive dur nuriing co lege.

quest in our

will for Grand Valley so that others an have the ame opportunit es

hers can

att i impact do you hop your gifift

gifts will have on studen s? elt at

t was as

more than the education it afforded iit


nvollved at Grand Vallelley without worrying bout paying for tu t on. ope that other student

Grand Valley without

worrying about paying for tuiitiion. K:K: I hop that other s scho arshi

her students ar give earning and are given

opportunitiies that alllowlow focus more on llearning nd of how to pa to

pay to

it afforded; get mor

ftts will have on stud ntttss? lief I felt at

hope your

a member o the Gillilllett Society? K Grand Valley has given so muc

Why is it impo tamportrtan to you o be a member of

member of the Gillett Society? ant to yt to you tto be

vorite quote? atching, love

or her sorority’’s formal..

and Vallleallley?ey? nnual bike

higan for chariity..

you meet?


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