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6 News

Cash boost for over-80s

RESIDENTS in Glasgow aged over 80 can get extra money to help heat their homes this winter. Glasgow City Council’s Affordable

Warmth Dividend is worth £100. You can receive the payment

if you are aged 80 or over by 31 March 2017 and live in Glasgow. If you will be 80 before 31 March 2017, you can still apply. Visit Glasgow City Council’s website warmth or phone 0141 287 7961. Glasgow City Council leader,

Councillor Frank McAveety, said: “I am delighted the city council can continue to help residents over the age of 80 to keep warm.” Everyone in a household who is

over 80 can apply. You can apply until 31 March 2017.

Stay safe at home W

ITH the cold weather upon us there are a few

checks you can do around the house to make sure you and your family stay safe and warm. Make sure you stay safe by

following this simple advice. • Check dripping taps and

overflows to prevent freezing of waste pipes and flooding. • Make sure you get your boiler checked regularly. It will ensure your heating system is working effectively. • If you’re not going to be at home for a period of time, set your heating to come on for a couple of hours a day – and leave a key with a friend or neighbour. • Check your smoke alarms are working. Replace batteries if necessary. • Consider fitting a heat

alarm in your kitchen to warn you of a cooking fire. • If you’ve been drinking alcohol, don’t cook. • Make sure cigarettes

are put out properly. Never smoke in bed. • Keep portable heaters

away from curtains and never use them for drying clothes.

• Unplug heaters when you go to bed. If you have gas

appliances, you should have a carbon monoxide detector in your home. • Never leave an electric blanket switched on when you’re in bed. Check your blanket for damage. If in doubt, don’t use it. • Make sure candles are put out before you go to bed. • Switch off electrical appliances when you go to bed.

• Close all doors – it can

keep your escape route free from smoke and may stop a fire spreading. Make sure you have access to a phone. • Think about how you

would get out of the house if there is a fire. If there is a fire, close the door where the fire is to protect your escape route and stop the fire spreading quickly. Get out, stay out and dial 999.

Trouble with your pipes?

IF YOU have a frozen or burst pipe, your heating or boiler breaks down or tiles blow off your roof, you can call us 24 hours a day, seven days a week on 0800 479 7979. Our advisors will talk you

through what to do and arrange for a tradesman to call as soon as possible. In the meantime, follow these tips if you have frozen pipes: • Never attempt to thaw out frozen pipes by switching on your immersion heater or central heating boiler • Instead, check for leaking joints or bursts in the pipes • Then gently heat any

frozen sections with a hairdryer or a heated cloth wrapped around the pipe. Never use a direct flame. If you have burst pipes:

• Find the stop valve and turn it off immediately • Turn on all cold taps to

drain the system, but never turn on the hot taps • If you live in a multi-

storey and you have no hot or cold water, turn off all taps until service returns Call us on 0800 479 79 79.

You can find more handy tips at

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