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Dopo l’apertura delle iscrizioni, i produttori o i rivenditori candidano i loro vini, con tutti i dati sulla composizione, prezzo e disponibilità dei vini.

I vini devono essere disponibili per il commercio nella quantità minima di 200 casse (50 casse per i vini dolci).

I vini vengono suddivisi a gruppi di 12, per regione, colore, uva, stile, vintage e categoria di prezzo, per dare a vini simili la stessa possibilità di evidenziarsi. Le categorie di prezzo sono:

A: fino a £5.99 B: da £6 a £7.99

C: da £8 a £9.99 D: da £10 a £14.99

I giudici assaggiano i vini all’interno del loro gruppo di stile e categoria di prezzo. I vini vengono assaggiati individualmente dai giudici, che si scambiano gli appunti e raggiungono un consenso sul punteggio finale. La valutazione avviene in questo modo:

Sotto 14.5 punti su 20: Nessun premio

14.5–15.4/20: Di pregio 15.5–16.9/20: Bronzo

I vini che vincono la medaglia d’oro o d’argento vengono degustati una seconda volta dalla Presidenza Regionale per confermare la medaglia.

Tutti i vini vincitori dell’oro per ciascuna regione sono collocati in una delle due categorie di prezzo,

superiore alle £10 o inferiore alle £10, e riassaggiati insieme agli altri vincitori di medaglie d’oro con la stessa varietà d’uva o lo stesso stile. Il migliore di ogni varietà/stile in ogni categoria di prezzo riceve un Trofeo Regionale.


How it works1 1 2

E: da £15 a £19.99 F: da £20 a £29.99

So just how does a wine win a medal or Trophy at the Decanter World Wine Awards? Follow our guide to the judging process, step by step…

I Trofei Regionali di stile o varietà simili di tutto il mondo sono poi messi a confronto gli uni con gli altri.

In una degustazione a parte giudicata dal presidente Steven Spurrier e da un sommelier senior, i vini mi- gliori si aggiudicano un Trofeo Internazionale – il più alto riconoscimento ai Decanter World Wine Awards.

their wines. We are reliant on submitters to provide us with details of the wines’ make-up, price and retail availability. Wines must be commercially available in minimum quantities of 200 cases (50 cases for sweet wines). Four bottles of each wine arrive at the Decanter warehouse and are logged, categorised and coded according to region, type and price

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G: da £30 a £49.99 H: da £50 a £99.99

I: da £100 a £199 J: più di £200

17–18.4/20: Argento 18.5 o superiore/20: Oro

After the official call for entries, producers or retailers submit

After the official call for entries, producers or retailers submit

OCT_p032-33 how it works 32

I risultati sono stampati sulla rivista Decanter e pubblicati su I produttori possono etichettare i loro vini vincitori di medaglie con adesivi che i consumatori riconosceranno in negozio. Degustazioni globali in tutto il mondo daranno ai consumatori l’opportunità di assaggiare i vini vincitori di medaglie. Per maggiori dettagli,

All the Gold medal- winning wines from each region are put

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colour, grape, style, vintage and price bracket, thus giving similar wines an equal chance to shine. The price brackets are: A: up to £4.99 £ B: £5–£6.99 £ C: £7–£9.99 £ D: £10–£14.99 E: £15–19.99 F: £20–£29.99 G: £30–£39.99 H: £40 and over Wines under £10 that win a medal or Trophy are marked in this magazine with the value symbol £

into either an Over-£10 or Under-£10 price bracket, and retasted against the other Gold medal winners of their

their wines. We are reliant on submitters to provide us with details of the wines’ make-up, price and retail availability. Wines must be commercially available in minimum quantities of 200 cases (50 cases for sweet wines). Four bottles of each wine arrive at the Decanter warehouse and are logged, categorised and coded according to region, type and price

Wines are put into flights of 12, grouped together by region,

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Quattro bottiglie di ogni vino giungono al magazzino di Decanter, dove sono registrate, categorizzate e codificate a seconda della regione, del tipo e del prezzo.

So just how does a wine w Awards? Follow our guid

La nostra guida passo a passo vi spiegherà come avviene il processo di valutazione, per sa- pere come un vino arriva a vincere una medaglia o un trofeo ai Decanter World Wine Awards

How it works

So just how does a wine win a medal or Trophy at the Awards? Follow our guide to the judging process, step b

After the official call for entries, producers or retailers submit

their wines. We are reliant on submitters to provide us with details of the wines’ make-up, price and retail availability. Wines must be commercially available in minimum quantities of 200 cases (50 cases for swe wines). Four bottles of each wine arrive at the Decanter warehouse and are logged, categorised and coded according to region, type and price

JUDGING PROCESS 32 | Oc t o b e r 2 011 • DE C A N

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OCT_p032-33 how it works 32

into either an Over-£10 or Under-£10 price bracket, and retasted against the other Gold medal winners of their grape variety or style. The best of each variety/style in each price bracket is awarded a Regional Trophy

bracket. Judges taste individually, then compare notes and reach a consensus on the wine’s final score. Wines are graded as follows: Below 14.5pts out of 20: No award 14.5–15.4/20: Commended 15.5–16.9/20: Bronze 17–18.4/20: Silver 18.5 or above/20: Gold Wines awarded a Gold or Silver medal are retasted by the Regional Chair for his or her confirmation of the medal

colour, grape, style, vintage and price bracket, thus giving similar wines an equal chance to shine. The price brackets are: A: up to £4.99 £ B: £5–£6.99 £ C: £7–£9.99 £ D: £10–£14.99 E: £15–19.99 F: £20–£29.99 G: £30–£39.99 H: £40 and over Wines under £10 that win a medal or Trophy are marked in this magazine with the value symbol £

Judges taste wines within the context of their style and price

All the Gold medal- winning wines from each region are put

Regional Trophies of a similar style or variety from around

the world are pitted against each other. In a separate tasting judged by Chairman Steven Spurrier and a senior

Wines are put into flights of 12, grouped together by region,


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