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applications for digital communication, daily living skills, speech and language therapy, occupational therapy, sensory needs, and academics. These devices will also allow speech pathologists to have data collection, standardized tests, devel- opmental milestone charts, vocabulary and articulation stimuli, visual schedules, pointing boards, demonstrations, anatomi- cal diagrams, schedules, and reports, at their fingertips.

Scott Just ................................................$980 Schalm Elementary, Clawson Public


65 copies of Finale Notepad, 30 stereo headphones, 65 Monitor Mount Swing Arm Copyholders establishes mul- tiple music notation workstations in the computer lab. Lower and upper elemen- tary students will use Finale Notepad music notation software for a variety of hands-on musical experiences: creat- ing, self-evaluating and publishing their own compositions while meeting the Technology Communication Tools com- ponents of the METS for grades K-2 and 3-5.

Richard Lowe .......................................$1498 Forsythe Middle, Ann Arbor Public Schools

A SMART Board 640, i-Pad 2 -16 GB with WiFi will be used to establish computer access for a student with ataxic cerebral palsy. The student will use the iPad to com- municate needs in response to questions, to communicate personal information, and to respond and participate in academic activities - working towards independent response and student initiation.

Elizabeth Miller ...................................$1091 Oakwood Elementary, Portland Public


The ActivSlate 60, ActivHub, 6 Flash Mp3 Players, Epson Lite Projector will be used to create a more balanced English lan- guage arts program that integrates the use of digital tools with reading and writing instruction. Student will utilize technologi- cal and Internet tools on a daily basis to increase participants’ reading, writing, and oral communication skills.

Jennifer Omo .........................................$917 Mattawan Later Elementary School

A Nintendo Wii Console with Sports, Balance Board with Fit Plus, 3 Nunchuks & Remotes with Wii Motion Plus,


Nintendo EA Sport Active Pack, 2 Chargers, and 32” LCD Television will be used to provide Autism (ASD) and Sensory Processing Disorders (SPD) students with a non-traditional mode of intervention that will improve social, emotional and physical development. The Nintendo Wii Console and games can pro- vide an engaging learning environment for ASD and SPD students to reinforce social and sensory integration goals.

Rosalyn Pollard ...................................$1444 Stevenson Middle, Wayne–Westland

Community Schools

2 iPads (32GB), warranties, covers, 2 iMovie Apps will be used with special needs seventh and eighth grade students with reading and writing deficits. They will work in cooperative groups to produce short videos demonstrating specific com- prehension strategies for real audiences. Students will be motivated to improve reading comprehension since they need this knowledge to produce videos.

Rebecca Ryan .......................................$1374 Hillcrest Elementary, Grand Rapids Public


Proloquo2go iPad application, Grace and iCommunicate applications will be used to give a voice to nonverbal students in autism spectrum disorder classrooms with iPad applications that speak for the student. By using these iPad applications, the students will be able to touch a picture to communicate their wants, needs and thoughts. They will be able to “speak” in words and sentences to their teachers and peers as they cannot do now.

John Schull...........................................$1495 Chicago Street, Branch School District

4 HP Mini Netbooks, a ProCurve Wireless Access Point, and Kodak Play Sport video camera will be used to educate teach- ers and students how to digitally record a student-led conference and publish or present it to parents at home or to distant family. This project will develop the METS for our students and address the 3 E’s for Education: 1. Enabling students to reach their potential through increased access to educational resources

2. Engaging students in rich compelling learning experiences

3. Empowering students to take responsibil- ity for the own educational destinies

Winter 2011-12 |

AlainavSharp .......................................$1360 Western High School

6 iPod Touch (8G) with cases and screen protectors will provide all students with access to video tutorials for my chemis- try class. These videos give students the opportunity to master learning targets through review, remediation, reinforce- ment, and enrichment outside of normal classroom hours.

Gene Wicks ..........................................$1473 Sault Area High School and Career Center

6 Vernier LabQuest Mini Interfaces, 4 Motion Detectors, 4 Photogates, 1 Gas Pressure Sensor will enhance the physics and chemistry labs and promote scientific inquiry. This equipment will help students collect data more efficiently and effectively, display it graphically, analyze it more clearly, and draw conclusions more eas- ily. Smaller group sizes will lead to greater student participation and an improved hands-on learning experience.

Brad Wilson .........................................$1342 Stewart Elementary, Lakeshore Public


3 Refurbished Apple iPads, cases, head- phone splitters, iTunes gift card added to another classroom iPad will help fourth grade students be collaboratively engaged in the learning process. Applications will provide unique opportunities for learners of all skill levels to create stories, practice oral reading fluency, complete math and science challenges, research class topics, and much more!

James Winkler .....................................$1500 Clare High School

3 Vernier LabQuest Interface, 3 Conductivity Probes, 3 Gas Pressure Sensors will help high school students use inquiry and technology to discover how diffusion and osmosis work. LabQuest interfaces with gas pressure sensors and conductivity probes allow students to indi- rectly measure molecules moving through a membrane. Student will use immediate results to adjust lab variables.

Watch for a new MACUL Grant cycle in Spring 2012 at


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