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The Integrat Integrativeive Approach to Autism

Approach to Autism A Spectrum of Solutions is

Needed for a Spectrum Disorder by Joseph Cannizzaro, MD

utism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) has been named as such because of the “spectrum” of symptoms assigned to the disorder. As a pediatrician for over 40 years, I’ve come to the conclusion that a spectrum of treatments is likewise required to heal these patients. And while each autistic child presents differently, I’ve found they all improve with the proper nutritional and biomedical interventions. Combining proper medical attention with communication, behavioral, and social therapies provides the spectrum of support needed to help these children thrive.

Why Take an Integrative Approach to Autism? Integrative medicine, by its nature, combines therapies and treatment approaches to ensure the best results for patients. Looking at the big picture is especially important for autistic children and their families. Parents of autistic children need many tools to help their kids (and themselves), both physically and psychologically. The integrative medicine approach addresses the root causes of the disorder, which comprises complex metabolic problems including: dysfunction of the gut, the immune system, and the detoxifi cation system as well as nutritional depletion.


A multi-disciplinary approach helps break down a child’s problems and offers solutions from a wide range of sources, both conventional and complementary. While each child is unique, there are three foundational systems in the body to focus on fi rst: the immune system, digestive system, and central nervous system. These three systems act as one organ and are in constant communication with each other. For example, both the brain and gut make serotonin, which is a neurotransmitter critical for a feeling of well-being. A patient with leaky gut (a condition where the gut lining has been damaged and allows partially-digested food and toxins into the bloodstream) will have problems with a serotonin defi ciency, which can cause irritability, anxiousness and depression. Toxins breaching the central nervous system affect all neurotransmitters, creating an overactive or underactive brain, which can lead to ADHD and other neurological disorders. There are defi nite similarities and links between autism and ADHD; sometimes, it is hard to tell the difference. You can see why maintaining gut integrity is especially important to unraveling the problems of autism. The integrative medicine approach to evaluating, diagnosing, and treating

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autism is conducive to achieving balance in the body. Functional- Integrative practitioners, like us, utilize advanced testing that measures a child’s defi ciencies and level of toxicity. Steps can then be taken to achieve balance. Balance consists of getting rid of what they don’t need through detoxifi cation and giving them what they do need through appropriate diet, supplementation, and support, i.e., communication, behavioral, and social therapies. It’s important to try simple, non-

invasive testing and treatments fi rst, so that this encourages the child (and parents) with positive results early on. Prioritization also helps with budgetary concerns. The organization, Autism Speaks, estimates that it costs $60,000 per year to care for someone with autism; they note the majority of the cost is special education and lost parental income. I believe it is closer to six fi gures. In our integrative practice, functional testing has provided more and better data over the years to measure toxic loads and nutritional defi ciencies. These tests shine a light on the root causes of autism symptoms and addressing them early can make a big difference. For example, a simple stool analysis is not a painful test and it shows the state of the gut fl ora and the levels of toxicity. It’s a good place to start balancing because it affects many body systems. If the nutritional, supplemental, and detox intervention corrects symptoms of anxiety or sleeplessness, it can lift a huge burden from a child and his family.

The Importance of Supporting Parents with Autistic Children

Parents and families of autistic children also benefi t greatly from the integrative medicine approach. Parents of autistic kids learn a lot about physiology; after all, they are the doctors in their children’s everyday lives. Parents need encouragement, fortitude, and support as they gain the nutritional, medical, and parenting skills they need to bring their sons and daughters into the fullest possible measure of healing. I often recommend behavior management parent training and family therapy to provide this support. The integrative model also allows time for the necessary interaction between

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