





orderForm.noItems Kings Hill

Planning Cllr Bridger and CllrWaller are to sit on the planning, highways and environment community and the community centre and events commiees. Buses Cllr Brown spoke about the X1 and X2 bus services and raised concerns that as they did not appear busy, and do not link upwith train services, they could be at risk. Itwas agreed to write to KCC and Liberty Property Trust to ask to be involved in the reviews of these services and for the timetables to be checked. A resident commented that the X buses are full to overflowing in the earlymorning and were not supposed to connectwith the trains as they offer a fast service to Maidstone. KCCmeeting Itwas agreed that the meetingwith KCC leader Paul Carter would be arranged. Model TheModel Publication Scheme had been completed and posted online. Publicity The authority’s Communication Policywould be reviewed at the next Full Councilmeeting. BlastsAt the firstmeeting of the newLords Walk Residents’Association on-going concernswere raised over the Blaise Farm blasts. Further actionwould be taken by the association. Parking Cllr Brown asked about parking enforcement in relation to the forthcoming TMBC Parking Review. He also warned that themethodology of the reviewneeded to ensure that the roads were surveyed at the right time of day to illustrate the true picture. Waste Changes to thewaste collection service are planned for 2019 and a consultationwould take place ahead of that. Pre-school Itwas resolved as part of talks regarding the Pre-School sub-lease agreement that the pre-schoolwill be allowed an additional year on its lease to ensure it has five years. Rent increases, based on RPI,would be backdated. The clerkwas asked to proceed the lease and if the pre-schoolwas not in agreement an Extra OrdinaryMeeting of the council would be called to discuss next steps. First aid Itwas agreed the clerkwould write to TMBC to find out what happened to the First Responders defibrillators that were donated by the parish council. Linear Itwas agreed to retract the objection to the Linear ParkApplication nowthat LPT had agreed to install a ‘fan’ shaped permanent performance stage area in a resinmaterial and that the fortwill be a heritage supported feature. Sky Itwas agreed to subscribe to Sky Sports for 12months at the Sports Park. Media Itwas resolved to delegate authority to the clerk tomanage the sharing of resolutions online, in linewith the council’s socialmedia policy. Dog waste Cllr Cassidy complained about dogmess and a lack of dogwaste bags. Insurance Cllr Board asked for the insurance to be checked on all council premises.


County report Cllr Sarah Hohler said KCC have put their budget ideas out to consultation and are encouraging people to reply. Cllr Hohler said there had been lots

32 Malling December 2017

of difficulties and pressures. Cllr Hohler is also chairing amemberworking group on libraries in Kent. Traffic latest Cllr Frankling reported that themobile speed indicator device poles had been installed but one appeared to have been put in thewrong position, next to a tree. Hewould raise this with Kent Highways. Cllr Pierce noted that no cars have crashed through his hedge on Seven Mile Lane since the arrows were put in. Bus services Subsidised buses are likely to be cut, so the clerkwas asked to email Cllr Balfour to find out if the Oambus is subsidised. Lorry clamping Itwas revealed that a test was taking place between Charing and Ashford and on the first night 29 lorries were clamped. On the second night, fewer were clamped butAshford Truck Stop turned away 250 lorries as theywere full. KALC awards Councillors agreed to take part in the KALC CommunityAwards Scheme again. Nominations will be requested by the end of December to allow a decision at the Januarymeeting, as KALC need to be notified by the end of January. Village Hall The First Registration of the hallwas discussed again. The parish council owns the land and the hall is managed by the Village Hall Commiee. CllrWilliamswas to discuss the issue at the Commiee’sAGM,while the clerkwas asked to contact KALC for advice and get details of legal fees fromsolicitors. Christmas lights Cllr Frankling had told the pub that the parish councilwould again donate £100 for refreshments for the Christmas lights event on December 3. The pubwill also be holding a carol service on December 21, and thanked the council for their donation.A newsleer fromthe council’s insurance company had stated that the lights should be checked by a suitable qualified person and connected to themains supply by a qualified electrician who is working under their own insurance. In previous years a local resident has helped, but as heworks for a company he does not have his own insurance. Councillors agreed to approach another electricianwith insurance and understood that therewould be a cost involved in this. FundraiserAfter discussing suggestions, councillors voted in favour of a Race Night for the fundraising event on February 17. Mike Rowe holds the equipment for the Lions and would be asked if he can help. It was agreed that hot food would be provided for £8 a head. Boundary changes Responses to the consultationwere due by December 11. The proposalwouldmean Oamwould move into the Sevenoaks constituency, makingMichael Fallon the localMP instead of TomTugendhat. Trees competition KentMen of The Trees had sent a leer and report after their visit. Although Oamdid notwin, the judges considered the village to be "among the best" they sawand offered to contribute up to £25 towards a tree of the council’s choice to be planted in the village. CllrWilliams had been commended in the report as an effective treewarden and was congratulated by councillors. Fire hydrants Two hydrants on Comp Lanewere silted up, the ones onAldon Lane are covered in ivy or buried and the one outside the school could not be located,much to the concern of councillors.

Anotherwas also buried in a hedge. Cllr Williamswas due to complete her inspections in November, and the clerk was asked to find outwho was responsible for the hydrants - Kent Fire and Rescue or thewater board. Environment enhancement Cllr Frankling had received a quote of £2,300 +VAT for the gates. It has been agreed that they are part of the scheme by KCC Highways and that the council should get thework done and invoice KCC. Cllr Frankling had expected the cost to be higher. The gatesmust be “knock downable” for Health and Safety purposes and are intended to designate the Village Green as part of the traffic calming. Itwill be the responsibility of the parish council tomaintain the gates. Councillors approved the order. Itwas suggested that the tree voucher could be used for a flowering cherry tree behind the gates. There had been various issueswith the ongoingworks due to a change of foreman and no continuity. Cllr Frankling is dealing with the contractors on site and KCC Highways. Hewas due tomeet themwith a list of everything to do. One resident on Teston Road had complained that the traffic was worse than ever. Councillors thought theworks looked reasonable so far. Playground CllrWilliamswas to submit wrien reports of her playground checks to the clerk. Cllr Pierce had helped with the bolts, but it had been difficult to replace the caps and the annual inspection report had said they should be replaced, so therewas a discussion about howto do this. The report also suggested themaing should be relaid, having said last year that itwas best to leave it as it is. CllrWilliams has swept the area,while the hedge is growing over the hole and looks “wonderful”. Steamrally The Village Hall Commiee made a profit of £1,226.27 fromthe Steam Rally, up £296.15 fromlast year. Itwas even bigger than before and started earlier. Banners warning of traffic problems were put up. Facebook page Councillors were encouraged to look at the Facebook page, which is nowonline. The clerk had been advised not to prevent comments as it is meant to be a communication tool, so the clerkwillmonitor the page. Landfill site There should have been a landfill site liaisonmeeting in the autumn, so the clerk agreed to chase again for a meeting date. Pondmaintenance Cllrs Frankling and Slate had taken the duck house out of the pond for repairs. Someone had putmore fish into the pond but it is unsuitable for fish because it floods and water goes into the bog area and a ditch.A path had been cut through the iris to enable people to see through fromthe seating area. The chemicals used to treat the duckweed had no effect. Village calendar £50 fromsales was handed to the clerk. CllrWilliams had used some of themoney to purchase envelopes for the calendars following some requests. Defibrillator training The clerkwas to chase the KALC president for a response about first aid training. The video on the defibrillator can be shown to familiarise peoplewith the equipment,without first aid and CPR training. Cllr Frankling was to do a baery check on the defibrillator. Book box The book box is being verywell

Parish Councils

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