This page contains a Flash digital edition of a book.

ENGLAND A study of an aspect or theme in British history that extends pupils’ chronological knowledge beyond 1066.

WALES How the coming of the Normans affected Wales and Britain between 1000 and 1500. The change and conflict in Wales and Britain between 1500 and 1760. The changes that happened in Wales, Britain and the wider world between 1760 and 1914 and people’s reactions to them.

SCOTLAND Learners will develop an understanding of the chronology of key events studied in Scottish, British, European and world history.

NORTHERN IRELAND From sequencing events and objects on a time line in chronological order to developing a sense of change over time and how the past has affected the present.

• The recipe for Mini Carrot Cakes contains sugar as one of its basic ingredients.

• Tell the children that the discovery in the 1600s that sugar cane grows well on the island of Barbados led directly to the development of the slave trade, and also to a rapid increase in the British economy.

• Ask the children to work on a project about the history of sugar, researching where it originated, how it came to the UK, how it became a basic part of our diet etc.

• The children may decide which is the best format for presenting the information they have researched – e.g. as a booklet, poster, factual report or personal account from the viewpoint of a slave or a slave master.

• They may decide whether to write the information down or create their information piece on screen.

• The site has a good basic article on sugar, and there are other helpful sites that the children could use. Alternatively encourage them to research this through books. 6

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