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CLUES ACROSS 7 Vigorous (6) 8 Strange (6) 9 Sports clothes (3) 10 Spirit producer (5) 11 Enemy (3) 14 Kent grassland (5) 15 Very casual (7) 17 Ghost (7) 19 Striped horse (5) 22 Entreat (3) 23 Unclear (5) 24 Small devil (3) 27 Esoteric (6) 28 A fl owing in (6)

CLUES DOWN 1 Negotiate (6) 2 Crane arm (3) 3 Quay (5) 4 Wealthy (4, 3) 5 This moment (3) 6 Repudiate (6) 12 Mix well (5) 13 Small rodent (5) 16 Faithfulness (7) 18 Thigh with buttock (6)

20 Gossiped


ARIES (March 21st to April 19th) This is a time for celebration, if it is not too clear what you have to celebrate because it hasn’t happened, it will be, by the end of this coming fortnight. If you get the chance to improve your earnings grab it with both hands. You cannot afford to be too choosy just now because you have quite a lot of heavy commitments coming up soon. If you are in a partnership it could be time to change the rules a little, for the benefi t of you both.

TAURUS (April 20th to May 20th) Early this week you should fi nd yourself on the fringe of a new and more rewarding chapter in your life. What you have been planning for some time now may have to be abandoned for something a lot better. Towards the end of next week you may fi nd your commitments to both family and business, clashing badly. If this is so it would be best to see to business fi rst and try to make it up to the family next weekend.

GEMINI (May 21st to June 21st) You should fi nd a new outlet for your enterprising impulses right now. A casual acquaintanceship may develop into something a lot more important before the coming week is out. The importance however will be of a fi nancial nature not an emotional one. If this proves a disappointment, you must take comfort in the fact that something a lot better in this line is not too far off and that a certain person will not suit you for very much longer.

information (6)

21 Short sleeveless garment (5)

25 Young reporter (3) 26 Sternwards (3)



Bristol Hippodrome 27th February - Saturday 4th March For further information or to book tickets visit:

Award-winning actor Shane Richie is set to star as Peter James’ famous literary Detective Superintendent Roy Grace alongside Laura Whitmore as Cleo Morey in Not Dead Enough. The third thrilling stage adaptation of multi-million selling author Peter James’ novel receives its world stage premiere in January 2017. Multi award-winning actor Shane Richie has played numerous roles on stage and screen and is perhaps best known for his role as Alfi e Moon in BBC TV’s EastEnders. He will next be seen on screen in his upcoming role in Redwater, a six-part series based on EastEnders’ characters Kat and Alfi e Moon as they embark on a new life in Ireland, which is set to broadcast in early 2017. On the night Brian Bishop murdered his wife, he was sixty miles away, asleep in bed. At least that’s what he claims. But as Detective Superintendent Roy Grace continues to deal with the mysterious disappearance of his own wife, he starts to dig a little deeper into the chilling murder case and it soon becomes clear that love can be a dangerous thing. Cardiff & South Wales Advertiser have two pairs of tickets to be won for Tuesday 28th February, 7.30pm performance. For your chance to win, answer the question correctly and send the coupon to: Cardiff & South Wales Advertiser, Not Dead Enough Competition, 136 Newport Road, Cardiff, CF24 1DJ. Alternatively, enter online at Closing date for entry is Wednesday 15th February 2017. Normal Cardiff & South Wales Advertiser Compeitition rules apply.

Which character did Shane Richie play in Eastenders?

Answer ..................................................................................................................................................................... Name ........................................................................................................................................................................ Address .................................................................................................................................................................... Post Code ...............................................Telephone ................................................................................................. Email ........................................................................................................................................................................

CD: 15/02/17 26 - Friday 3rd February 2017 – Cardiff & South Wales Advertiser

CANCER (June 22nd to July 22nd) During the next two weeks you should be making defi nite decisions as to your eventual direction. You are just toddling aimlessly along with no serious goal and frankly this will not do at all. You must be quite clear in your mind about the extent of your capabilities to enhance your long-term security and that of those you are responsible for. Don’t be dazzled by promises of quick returns, you know they can never really work out.

LEO (July 23rd to August 22nd) This is a time of fresh opportunity and ambitious impulses. If you are thinking of changing your location now is a good time for house hunting or pursuing a career far away from your present surroundings. All your social activities are lively and successful and friends will prove a special delight to you. There might be a sticky situation developing around the next weekend but take it all in your stride and it should solve itself quite easily.

VIRGO (August 23rd to September 22nd) You will fi nd yourself slowly being divested of the many restrictions and petty irritations with which you have been plagued lately. You will feel quite optimistic about the future and being fully aware of where your interests lie, you will fi nd your activities automatically being directed toward the chosen ends. Next week you will crave some slightly crazy activity that will bring you no profi t whatsoever, but it will be fun!

LIBRA (September 23rd to October 23rd) You have suffered something of a disappointment lately. This is very much your own fault because you do tend to daydream and concoct pipedreams as you go through life. If you were the only one concerned this would not matter too much. You have unfortunately hurt someone who means you no harm, and this is bad. The worst thing is that you have not had the courage to tell the one concerned. This must be remedied immediately.

SCORPIO (October 24th to November 22nd) Over the coming fortnight you will be greatly tempted to neglect the important aspects of your life in favour of the more pleasurable pursuits. This is because something you should be doing has some unpleasant sides to it. You cannot go on through life, taking only the easy ways out, you must face your responsibilities sooner or later, and it may as well be sooner. The longer you leave it the worse it will be when the crunch comes.

SAGITTARIUS (November 23rd to December 21st) Early this week avoid making any fi xed plans because it may well be you will have to change them at the last minute. The emotional side of your life may take an unexpected twist and you could fi nd yourself sharing someone else’s good fortune. Someone close to you could have some good, though surprising news for you by the next weekend and you could be called upon to lead the celebrations, so be prepared to adjust your workload.

CAPRICORN (December 22nd to January 20th) Whatever you change just now could last and last beyond any reasonable expectation. Budgeting could be a bit of a headache especially if you are confronted with an unexpected expense. Try to maintain a sense of proportion about it all, you never know when you will need what you are being compelled to buy. Work seems unexpectedly busy right now and with a bit of a luck, you could fi nd yourself receiving a bonus.

AQUARIUS (January 21st to February 19th) A particularly important time ahead for you. If you have any ambition at all, start to make your presence felt in every direction you can think of. You might fi nd in fact that this is a good time to move away from your present surroundings altogether. If you do, watch where you go. If you fi nd yourself alone and out on a limb, it could well be you made the wrong decision. Watch for signs if you accept any offer made on the spur of the moment.

PISCES (February 20th to March 20th) This is a signifi cant couple of weeks for all those with foreign connections. Travel is well aspected and new venues are both comfortable and interesting. Don’t overdo things though, take as much rest as you need and every opportunity to relax. You of all people should appreciate the need for a break and if there is any temptation to carry your home problems along with you, throw them right out of the nearest window.

ACROSS: 7) Virile, 8) Exotic, 9) Kit, 10) Still, 11) Foe, 14) Weald, 15) Offhand, 17) Phantom, 19) Zebra, 22) Sue, 23) Vague, 24) Imp, 27) Occult, 28) Infl ux. DOWN: 1) Liaise, 2) Jib, 3) Jetty, 4) Well off, 5) Now, 6) Disown, 12) Blend, 13) Shrew, 16) Loyalty, 18) Haunch, 20) Rumour, 21) Tunic, 25) Cub, 26) Aft.

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