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It is no coincidence that we address our physical

and emotional heart by the same name. Our physical heart usually reflects the state of our emotional

heart, and vice versa. ~ Dr. James Forleo

may overtake smoking as the leading risk factor for CHD. The AHA currently is focused on

increasing awareness that heart disease is the number one killer of women. Its Go Red for Women campaign empha- sizes the vital need to take preventive basic actions, including adopting an ex- ercise routine, healthier diet and doctor visits for appropriate non-invasive tests.

Essential Spirit Dr. James Forleo, a chiropractor in Durango, Colorado, with 30-plus years of clinical experience, maintains that health is simple, disease is complicated (also the title of his book). He counsels patients, “If mental stress is present in your life, you owe it to your cardiovas- cular system to change to a healthier lifestyle. Your life may depend on it.” Forleo has recognized that an indi-

vidual’s state of mind can be a big help or hindrance in maintaining a healthy heart. “The heart represents a different realm of experience entirely, one that cannot be explained by logic and rea- son,” comments Forleo. He champions the link between

maintaining normal spinal function and healthy heart function, along with supporting the inner presence of Spirit, which he calls the healthy heart’s ultimate elixir. “Its essence relaxes the heart, opens the mind to possibilities greater than itself and provides the per- spective that the heart and the mind are complementary,” he observes. He explains that when our emo- tions get bottled up, something in our heart or circulation has to give. “If you or someone you know experiences heart problems, chances are that unre- solved emotions lie directly below the surface,” he says. “There are excep- tions, and genetic problems can explain many heart defects, but heart problems don’t usually show up unless emotions are involved.” Forleo’s concept is supported by

the work of Rollin McCraty, Ph.D., executive vice president and director of research at California’s Institute of HeartMath. His research papers include The Energetic Heart: Bioelec- tromagnetic Interactions Within and Between People. “Today, evidence suggests that the

PEnjoy a Comfortable,

heart may play a particularly important role in emotional experience. Research in the relatively new discipline of neurocardiology has confirmed that the heart is a sensory organ and acts as a sophisticated information encoding and processing center that learns, remem- bers and makes independent functional decisions that don’t involve the cerebral cortex,” advises McCraty.

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To Happy Hearts Pioneering integrative medical doc- tors Masley, Sinatra, Forleo and Mona Lisa Schultz, who also holds a Ph.D. in behavioral neuroscience, agree that in matters of heart disease, emotions take center stage. Schultz, who recent- ly co-authored All is Well: Heal Your Body with Medicine, Affirmations and Intuition, with Louise L. Hay, a leading founder of the self-help movement, applies her 25 years of experience as a medical intuitive with the best of West- ern clinical science, brain research and energy medicine. Shultz observes, “Every illness has an emotional component, which tells us intuitively that something or some- one in our life or environment is out of balance and needs to be addressed. Our use of language—such as frustra- tion makes our heart race, anger boils our blood—and our common sense are telling us what we don’t need more studies to confirm. If we can’t deal with our anger in a timely fashion, name our feelings, respond effectively and release them, we increase our chance of illness, ranging from hypertension to cardiovascular events.” According to the American Jour- nal of Cardiology, the U.S. spends 10 percent of all healthcare dollars for cardiovascular disease prevention and medical management versus 90 percent on medical treatment proce- dures and hospital care. For individu- als interested in taking charge of their heart health, working with a physician that embraces the emerging paradigm of integrative lifestyle changes and prevention can be a drug-free, life-sav- ing decision.

Linda Sechrist is the senior staff writer for Natural Awakenings. Visit for full interviews.

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