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Getting Their Wings Aſt er weeks of eating, growing, and defending themselves, most caterpillars are ready for the next big step. T ey are ready for their wings. To become a butterfl y or moth, a caterpillar

goes through one of the biggest changes any animal on Earth experiences. It is called metamorphosis. When it’s time to become an adult, the

blue morpho caterpillar stops feeling hungry. It doesn’t need food anymore. Now it needs a safe place. T e blue morpho sheds its skin for the last

time. What comes out of the old skin is not just another, bigger version of the caterpillar. What comes out is a pupa. A butterfl y pupa is also called a chrysalis. T is is the final stage for a caterpillar before its metamorphosis. Inside the pupa, the blue morpho lies

completely still. Slowly, its body begins to get soſt . It breaks down into a jelly. It is not hurt. It is going through a complete makeover.

First Flight Don’t think the pupa is completely helpless. Incredibly, even a pupa can defend itself. A pupa can twitch, click, and rattle by contracting its abdomen. It shakes like a rattle to scare away any animal that comes too close. Slowly, new shapes begin to take form inside

the pupa. T e blue morpho’s mouthparts are replaced with a hollow tube called a proboscis. T e adult butterfl y will eat with this. T e caterpillar’s short, stubby legs become long, thin butterfl y legs. Aſt er about two weeks, the metamorphosis

is complete. T e pupa splits open. T e butterfl y gently pulls itself out of the

pupa. It clings to the empty case. Its crumpled wings hang down freely. Blood pumps through the crumpled wings. T ey stiff en. T e butterfl y slowly pumps them to get ready to fl y. Aſt er its long and interesting journey, the

soſt caterpillar is gone forever. T e graceful butterfl y takes to the air for its first flight.


larva: young form of some animals

metamorphosis: body changes an animal goes through to become an adult

molting: shedding an outer layer

blue morpho butterfl y

pupa: fi nal stage of a caterpillar; in butterfl ies, also called a chrysalis


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