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July – Network like you mean it We love networking and this year have done a lot of work to find ways to move away from the normal pleasantries at a networking event, “my business is going great how is yours… oh mine’s great too!” In reality business is not always great, so talking about your challenges is actually quite liberating. You will find that others will agree and you will have better conversations on the back of it. For us networking is about finding new businesses and new people we can and want to work with, like-minded folk who share the same passion for business and working together as we do. We have partnered with many businesses this year including ‘The Boardroom’ where we create groups of business owner boards who meet regularly in order to help and gain support to overcome challenges.

August - The eco revolution Inspired by our local school at ‘Enterprise week’, we judged the competition, where the majority of the 23 teams developed propositions to sell that were eco-friendly. We saw a glimpse of the future workforce being much more eco aware and focused. Some businesses have really embraced an eco philosophy, we highlighted the award winning HQ for the Positec Group, who recycle rain water, use solar power and natural light and have a low carbon footprint. It is time for you to look at your office, your operation, the materials you use and who you partner with to be as eco- friendly as you can. Engage your workforce here, they will have some amazing ideas which leads us on to September’s article...

September –

The power of the collective Two heads are better than one. Just look at the number of books and songs that are co-written now, and where would J K Rowling be without Warner Brothers adaptation of her seven books into the eight blockbuster films that they are today? Multiple heads brought together that have different backgrounds, experiences and ways of thinking

create diverse teams that are super powerful. Artificial Intelligence has now advanced where a diverse approach pulls together multiple algorithms in order to adapt and optimise. This is how you can search something on Google and have multiple adverts hitting you from many retailers who have found you. Get your teams together, include as many people as you can from all departments, not forgetting outside help… you never know where the next great idea will come from.

October – Screwfix Live 2019 What a fantastic day we both had. The Screwfix Live event is definitely an event pencilled into our diary every year and this year we were asked to write about it. For us, Screwfix does stand out in the crowd of retailers in this sector as one that embraces the power of strong relationships and customer focus and we salute that. The suppliers get so much out of this event, as Will Timmis from Mountfield described it, “it is a great opportunity to get feedback on how customers feel about existing products and the new additions to the range… invaluable.”

November – Budgets: The most wonderful time of the year! A time of reflection and a time to plan for the endless possibilities for the year ahead... yes your budget. Budgets are hard and the detailed work required to produce a robust one can be arduous. We see it as the formation of the plan of action that will ensure success not just for your business, but for every individual in the team. It is not just about the set of figures to follow, the budget P&L is the end point, it is about the set of actions and initiatives for you to track and cascade through your business so everyone can see the part they need to play to have a successful year… it is your opportunity to be excited about the year ahead and create excitement in your business no matter your scale or size of team.

We wish you a very merry Christmas and a happy New Year! See you in January when we will give you some top tips on how you can stay on track during the year ahead.


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