





Warning Signs of Bad Vision

While regular trips to your eye doctor is are great way to stay on top of your vision, you should learn the signs that your eyes require attention.

Many issues can be quickly resolved with lenses, contacts

or surgery. However, when severe symptoms set in, a physician may set appointments for numerous visits until the problem is remediated. Check out these statistics from the Centers for Disease

Control and Prevention to determine the most common vision problems that impact Americans.

•More than 4.2 million citizens aged 40 years or older are either legally blind or are with low vision.

•The leading cause of blindness and low vision in the United States are primarily age related diseases like mac- ular degeneration, cataract, diabetic retinopathy and glau- coma.

•Refractive errors such as yopia (nearsightedness) or hyperopia (farsightedness) are the country’s most frequent eye problems.

The National Eye Institute suggests that proper refractive

correction could improve vision among 150 million Americans. Discover how to recognize common illnesses related to your eyes so that you can seek professional help at the first sign of trouble.

HAZY VISION Suppose you find it challenging to focus because your

vision is blurry or hazy. In that case, you may be suffering from a cataract. According to the American Foundation for the Blind, this disease occurs when the eye’s lens becomes cloudy or opaque. While most are related to aging, people can develop them at any age. Examinations are crucial for early detection as a cataract typically form slowly and without pain. Resolution generally includes surgery to replace the cloudy lens with an artificial covering.

NIGHT BLINDNESS According to the Cleveland Clinic, night blindness, or

nyctalopia, is defined as the inability to see well at night or in low light. While it’s not technically a disease, it does usually develop due to an underlying condition. Issues like cataracts, vitamin A deficiency and retinitis pigmentosa are common

causes of the problem. A physician can diagnose the ailment and decide the best route to take for remediation.

FLOATERS The Mayo Clinic reports that eye floaters are spots in your

vision that sometimes appear as black or grey specks, strings or cobwebs that arrive in your peripheral vision. Usually, they occur due to agerelated changes as the vitreous inside your eyes becomes more liquefied. Small fibers will slowly begin to clump and cast tiny shadows on your retina.

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