





“My goal is to keep the platform go-

ing to help solve problems, while plugging along and keeping my own business alive,” says Cunningham, who hopes to launch the free Voice Out platform in other countries. Escobedo adds that Airbnb has

stepped up and is looking to partner with area real estate agents to provide housing for medical professionals coming from out of town to work in Austin hospitals. She also credits Lilly Cabrera of Wellmarkt for providing a platform to house holistic wellness providers, many of which are of- fering mental wellness services to health- care workers pro bono. Escobedo says the Austin Wellness Collaborative has also shown tremendous support.

Personal Protective Equipment Desperately Needed Te woeful shortage of PPE continues to hinder and endanger doctors, nurses, medical assistants, janitorial staff, clerks and others trying to serve sick Americans during the pandemic. Escobedo joined with registered nurse Secily Krehbiel, owner of ATX Medical Devices, to direct- source from China needed supplies such as gowns, gloves and masks, thus skipping middlemen in the supply chain and leading to shorter lead times and controlled costs. “Why can’t we get PPE? It is being

made, but why can’t we get it here?” Esc- obedo asks. “Tere are so many different links in the supply chain—the importer, a

a standard ventilator becomes available, Escobedo connected appropriate profes- sionals at the University of Texas at Austin, with SA Industries, a manufacturer where Escobedo’s husband also works, to manu- facture the part. As the TCC network quickly grows,

Everything has been happening at sonic speed, and everybody realizes that we are all part of this collective whole...

~Candice Escobedo

forwarding company, the purchasing group that hospitals use—there are so many steps, and that’s not efficient right now.” Manufacturers are also stepping up

to make needed items. Escobedo says that Anthony Budd, a technology consultant with Apple, has formed Ideaa, in efforts to create a 3-D printer supplier database to donate medical equipment. Escobedo says that Leahy Industries 3-D Printing & Product Design has also used 3-D printing technology to make masks. Aſter reading an article in which

Virgin Airlines founder Richard Branson posted a picture of a mechanical design that can be used to help inflate lungs until

Escobedo sees potential to expand those platforms to serve nonprofits and other entities caring for people during the pandemic. Although the mission initially began with allocating resources for fellow healthcare members, it has grown to include more services. Te main focus has shiſted to, where PPE can be purchased for donation by nonprofit organizations and delivered to the organi- zation of their choice. Nurses for Nurses serves as a resource to healthcare profes- sionals during this pandemic. “Tis has shown what happens when

everyone is coming together during a time when one would feel really isolated,” Escobedo concludes. “Everything has been happening at sonic speed, and everybody realizes that we are all part of this collective whole—the grocery store stocker, the jani- tor at the hospital, the tech expert sitting at the computer—we all fundamentally affect each other’s lives. Tis collaboration has shown me that in such a dark time, there is always light.”

For more information, visit

May 2020


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