






Be part of the transformation L

ast spring put the spotlight on advanced practice nurses and the roles they play in healthcare delivery with the launch of the new print and online content series, “APNs Transforming Care.” Brought to you by the Johnson & Johnson Campaign for Nursing’s Future, it looks at how these talented and committed nurses are working to improve healthcare in the various roles and care settings in which they practice nationwide.

The four-part series, which ran in’s bimonthly issues beginning

LQ 0D\ IHDWXUHG $31V LQ GLIIHUHQW UROHV DQG VSHFLDOWLHV (DFK VWRU\ SUR¿OHG WKH nurse’s background, education, experience, current positions, and his or her journey to advanced practice. Each article also appears online at and on social media pages, where nurses can share their questions and comments on them with one another.

7KH VWRULHV DUH XS FORVH DQG SHUVRQDO SUR¿OHV DQG ¿UVWKDQG DFFRXQWV WKDW are both interesting and inspirational. They give readers a great overview of the different ways APNs can practice; why they chose the particular role or specialty they’re in; how they feel about the work they are doing and the contributions they’re making; and why they love what they do.

Clearly demonstrated in each story is the place APNs have in our healthcare

system and how they have become driving forces in improving quality and provid- ing better care and access to care for patients. The stories also show how APNs are making a real difference in care delivery in myriad and exciting specialties QDWLRQZLGH (DFK RI WKH SUR¿OHV XQGHUVFRUHV WKH IDFW WKDW $31V DUH PRYHUV DQG shakers in healthcare delivery, strong voices in the nursing profession, and leaders of change and transformation in our national healthcare system.

The “APNs Transforming Care” series now culminates in this downloadable e-book that includes words of wisdom from advanced practice nurses around the country; a self-assessment to help nurses decide if advanced practice is for them; and a personal End of Shift story written by an APN. It also includes a Nurse. com CE module that has up-to-the-minute facts on advanced practice nursing for those considering the role. The CE also offers information on academic prereq- XLVLWHV HGXFDWLRQ ¿QDQFHV ¿QGLQJ WKDW ¿UVW $31 SRVLWLRQ SUDFWLFH DJUHHPHQWV and more. And if you missed any of the four parts in the series along the way, this e-book includes them all.

The Johnson & Johnson Campaign for Nursing’s Future is honored to share with you the amazing stories of the outstanding nurses featured in the “APNs Transforming Care” series, along with other interesting information on advanced practice. We and hope it will help broaden your understanding and appreciation for how APNs are changing the face of our nation’s healthcare with WKHLU HGXFDWLRQ FHUWL¿FDWLRQV H[SHULHQFH WDOHQWV DQG VNLOOV

Please share your thoughts on the series and the e-book with us; we would

love to hear from you. Talk about it on Facebook and Twitter pages with your colleagues, and take time to think about the possibility of an APN role in your future. Maybe you’ll decide to become an advanced practice nurse and be part of the transformation! •

Andrea Higham is Senior Director, Corporate Equity & Partnerships at Johnson & Johnson. Andrea HIGHAM

Senior Director, Corporate Equity & Partnerships at Johnson & Johnson

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