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WORLD WATCH 1. There’s an incremental push right now by the con-

trolling elite to force vaccinations on all Americans, both young and old. And this agenda is gaining considerable traction in California, where legislators are now moving forward with plans to force childhood vaccines on all adults who work in daycare centers, both private and public. If passed, SB 792 would represent the first adult vaccine mandate in the U.S. that disallows exemptions for personal reasons, and that threatens criminal penal- ties for those who fail or refuse to comply. Na

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on a new desalination technique that uses battery tech- nology to purify salt water. Reverse osmosis, pushes water through a membrane that keeps out the salt — a costly and energy-intensive process. By contrast, the battery method uses electricity to draw charged salt ions out of the water. The device can be small or large, whereas reverse osmosis plants must be very large to be efficient and cost effective. Less pressure is required to pump the water, as it simply flows over the elec- trodes instead of being forced through a membrane. And the rate of water flowing through it can be adjusted more easily than other types of desalination technolo- gies that require more complex plumbing. h


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Killed because of GcMAF?

More than two dozen holistic doctors have died or disappeared within the past year - under highly suspicous circumstances. Dead or missing holistic doctors may have begun to suspect was that naga- lase1 has been intentionally added to vaccines. This would be one reason for the vaccine/autism correla- tion, and it also explains the broader array of health risks associated with vaccinations. (According to an article in Natural Health’s website, http://www.natu-

Less disease leads to a lowered need for pharmaceu- ticals and a negative impact on big pharma profits. In addition, the growing doubt in vaccinations weaken health official recommendations to follow vaccination programs and reduces profits for the pharmaceutical industry.

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Engineers at the University of Illinois are working

is: “The term natural flavor or natural flavoring means the essential oil, oleoresin, essence or extractive, protein hydrolysate, distillate, or any product of roasting, heating or enzymolysis, which contains the flavoring constituents derived from a spice, fruit or fruit juice, vegetable or veg- etable juice, edible yeast, herb, bark, bud, root, leaf or similar plant material, meat, seafood, poultry, eggs, dairy products, or fermentation products thereof, whose signif- icant function in food is flavoring rather than nutritional. http://w

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Surprising Result! Studies show that people who knitted at least three times per week were calmer, happier, less sad, less anxious, and more confident. Knitting provides people with a creative outlet and gives them confidence when they see the projects they are creating. http://new therawfood ing

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world. -result/ Modern fungicides that are sprayed on fruit and

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ethical permission by an Institutional Review Board in the U.S. and India to use 20 brain-dead patients for what is sure to be a highly controversial study. Next year, they plan to stimulate their nervous systems in order to restart the brains. Bioquark is hoping that its part in the groundbreaking ReAnimaproject will reveal if people can at least partly be brought back from the dead. The panel of experts working on the initiative includes Dr. Calixto Machado, a well-known neurological researcher and a member of the American Academy of Neurology who has written extensively on brain death. The team will test a combination of therapies on the participants, who have been medically certified as being brain dead and are only kept from decomposing by life support machines. Injecting the brain with stem cells, giving the spinal cord infusions of beneficial chemicals, and nerve stimulation techniques – which have been shown to bring people out of comas – will all be tried out. http://w co

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California, say they have found a way to amplify learn- ing. They studied the electric signals in the brains of trained pilots and then fed the data into novice subjects as they learned to pilot an aeroplane in a realistic flight simulator. The study, published in the journal Frontiers in Human Neuroscience, found that subjects who received brain stimulation via electrode-embedded head caps improved their piloting abilities and learnt the task 33 per cent better than a placebo group. h w wtlgah ou

7. w.eerp.c.k/ Oracle 20/20 June 2016 Researchers from HRL Laboratories, based in

vegetables have come under fresh scrutiny after scien- tists found they caused similar genetic changes in mouse neurons to those seen in autism and Alzheimer’s dis- ease. h

A biotech company in the U.S. has been granted

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com/ needles-given-convicts-surpris w hat-are-natural-flavors/ Knitting Needles Given to Convicts with This The official natural flavoring definition by the USFDA

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