This page contains a Flash digital edition of a book.
ou’ve seen them as you drive along most roads and highways throughout America – large, brown signs that announce a “VISITOR CENTER” is ahead. These stopping points provide a valuable service for many businesses, letting travelers know of places to eat, sleep, play and visit.

But visitor centers don’t have to be limited to those operated by governments or local chambers of commerce. In fact, YOUR business, no matter how large or small, can function in much the same way. In doing so, you not only raise the appeal of your establishment, but become part of a larger collective that works to increase visitor stops throughout a region.


Visitor expenditures help fuel our local economy and help strengthen your business and your community. Money spent locally stays in the community - supporting local businesses, employees, and the quality of life for those who live there. In fact, Illinois tourism saves the average Illinois household $1,300 in taxes each year (IL Office of Tourism).

Having visitors come through your door can benefit not only your business, but other businesses and attractions in your community and other byway communities as well. Engaging with customers and telling them more about your community and the Illinois River Road yields longer, more extensive visits and more dollars spent!

“Tourism is the front door to non-tourism economic development efforts, and the purest form of economic development.”

- Roger Brooks, Destination Development 1 IRR visitor handbook.indd 3 1/8/2015 12:42:39 PM

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