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If that doesn’t work, give us a ring at MDDUS. By now you will need support and we can chat through other options that might include discussing things with a practice adviser or another experienced colleague. Ultimately, it might be necessary in some cases to refer the matter to the GDC. Dentists must always bear in mind that the duty set out by the regulator to report serious concerns overrides any personal and professional loyalties.

Professional duty There are, of course, many issues that might be causing problems for dentists. Health problems, addiction and stress cause misery to the one suff ering but have a huge impact on family life, colleagues and patients alike. Regardless of the reasons, our professional duty lies with patients and if they are at risk we must do all we can to prevent harm. This might mean having some diffi cult conversations with workmates and working with the practice team (and possibly the dentist’s family) to ensure they get the medical care they need. Raising concerns and supporting each other

are basic tenets of dental professionalism and it is vital action is taken in good faith and for the right reasons. And while protecting patient safety is crucial, we are unfortunately seeing an increasing number of immediate referrals to the GDC by “concerned colleagues” based on what appears to be little evidence. One can only hope that such concerns are not being infl uenced by other, more personal or cynical motivations. If you fi nd yourself in a situation where a

colleague is struggling, feel free to give us a call. We are always happy to advise and support you and guide you through the various stages.

Claire Renton is a dental adviser at MDDUS

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