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Doctors Notes

Wendy Pollock DC, CCH

Homeopathic Care For Depression

“Homeopathy cures a larger percentage of cases than any other method of treatment.”

~ Ghandi

them are Acupuncture, some forms of energy work, and Ho- meopathy. In fact, one of the most pressing needs of allopathic (conventional) medical care today is to stop separating the ills of the body from the ills of the spirit, human beings have irrevoca- bly intertwined bodies and minds. It is this very separation of the body from the spirit and lack of care of the soul condoned by our consumer driven lifestyle that is one major cause of depres- sion.

H Homeopaths have been addressing the body and the spirit

that lives within for over 200 years. The purpose of the homeo- pathic case taking is to find the links between the ills of the body and the causations from the deepest level of the spirit, and to find a matching substance from the natural world, potentized to make a homeopathic remedy. The properties unique to each Homeopathic remedy are identified through provings; healthy volunteers take a dose of a remedy, and the minutia of all symp- toms they experience in all body systems are charted multiple times per day for many weeks. This data is compiled, and com- prises what is called the Materia Medica (in-depth information) about the remedy. There are 4 classes of remedies, each made from the kingdoms of animal, plant, mineral and imponderables.

omeopaths are known for their work bridging the body- mind connection. There are few healing modalities that accomplish this much needed connection; amongst

The homeopath engages in a lifelong study process to

understand characteristics of the medicines within each king- dom, phylum/division, class, order, family, genus and species, in order to best match the characteristics of the substance to those of the client. The strength of the homeopath lies in his/ her ability to understand the ‘essence’ of the client to find their unique characteristics and individuality. This is the exact oppo- site of allopathic (conventional medicine) in which the disease characteristics are studied, and a drug is found that suppresses/ eliminates the symptoms, and is prescribed at regular intervals to reduce symptoms. Homeopaths are aiming for a deeper level of treatment…the causal level. This depth of care is often cura- tive, in that the essence of the client is addressed, and the state of imbalance is alleviated.

Here are a few cases of homeopathic treatment of depression:

John was a forty-year old laborer and artist when he was referred for care for depression by a friend. He had lost two children to congenital birth defects after their first few years of life, resulting in staggering medical bills, loss of his marriage, and loss of his own will to live. A devastating car accident almost ended his life, but following a slow recovery and reloca-


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