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THE WEIRS TIMES, Thursday, January 14, 2010
From the redwood forest...
to the New Y
ork Island


& Everywhere!
From California...
to the gulf stream waters by Lorrie Baird
on c e in a BL u e mo o n
team,” I reminded him. in the shower shampooing dance and falling back which landed on my toe.
The day of the last blue coffee out of my hair when on the bed, at which time At lunch I put on my hot
moon started out like any Jim comes home and no- the puppy did a four point mitts, reached into the
by lorrie Baird
other. I woke up when tices my coffee soaked landing on Jim’s nose in oven and branded my
our puppy shoved his pajamas in the washer. hopes of using it as a salt wrist which didn’t hurt
It was a balmy night tongue up my nostril. I He figured he’d do me a lick. nearly as much as when
and we were stretched out rolled over with a start favor and pressed “start.” Jim was peeling Du- Jim shut the RV door on
beside a crackling camp- and smacked my head Out of the goodness of ally off his face as I jerked it because he couldn’t see
fire. The full moon hung on the night stand. (Most me on the other side.
heavy in the sky spill- people’s night stands are “Yep,” Jim said, adjust-
ing ethereal light across not 1/16th of an inch
Reflection Pond, its mir- away from their pillow but
The day of the last blue moon
ing the band aid on his
nose and gazing up into
ror surface etched with mine is because we live
started out like any other. I woke
the luminous night sky.
long bony shadows cast in an RV, which was my up when our puppy shoved his “The blue moon is a rare
by the majestic live oaks husband’s idea.)
tongue up my nostril.
occurrence at the end of
rimming the shore. Jim I swung my feet over the a year.”
sighed contentedly, “Did side of the bed and clipped Considering the day we
you know that we have a our 8-year-old Chihuahua had, ‘once in a blue moon’
‘blue moon’ tonight?” in the face because she his heart, Jim decided to opened the freezer door isn’t rare enough.
“As in ‘once in a blue had jumped down on the wash some dishes left in for an ice pack thereby
moon?’” floor to avoid the puppy the sink. ejecting a frozen chicken
“The very same. Appar- sticking his tongue up her It was right about this
ently it happens once ev- nose. She strutted away time that the hot water
ery two, three years or in a huff and wouldn’t heater gave out leaving me
so. Two full moons in make eye contact for two with a head full of sham-
the same month make hours. poo and only cold water
the second one a ‘blue Jim plunked a cup of to rinse it out. Not my
moon.’” coffee in my hands and favorite way to start the
“I thought this was a re- buzzed me on the cheek day. Things went downhill
peat performance of what before grabbing the two from there.
we did several weeks ago, leashes and departing I shoved open the bath-
but wasn’t sure,” I replied, with the dogs for their room door just about the
adding that it’s easy to morning constitutional. same time that Jim was
lose all concept of time With my face shoved in walking down the hall.
when one day seamlessly my oversized coffee mug I His face came in for a
melts into another. Jim walked down the bedroom landing on the other side.
proceeded to tell me that hall, failing to notice that “YOU BROKE MY NOSE!”
for the Native Americans Jim had left the bathroom he said executing an owie
a year-end blue moon is door wide open. The good
special: full of mystical news is that it had a large
meaning and promise. bath towel hanging on
“Good thing I’m not Na- it. The bad news is that
tive American because if as the cup made contact
today was any indication with the door, a hot coffee
of a special day I’d be geyser was not the shower
bounced from the mys- I planned on taking.
tic-maker’s cheerleading Five minutes later I am
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