This page contains a Flash digital edition of a book.
under the guidance of expertly you share some of your plans that mission? How can you
qualified faculty and program or goals for the department’s help us further develop that
advisors. staff? mission?
To help you get to know her
TN: Recent restructuring in the TN: Another focus has been to
better, I recently engaged in a
academic department has enhance the electronic delivery
Q&A session with Nichols.
focused on serving students of the CCNH curriculum. The
HT: You have an impressive CV
even better. The restructuring college continues to invest in
with experience ranging from
grew out of CCNH’s being technology to better person-
primary to post-secondary
awarded the USDLA/QS and alize the distance learning
education, and you also
from the regular cycle of experience provided by
have some distance educa-
renewing the college’s state CCNH. In an effort to “prac-
tion experience. What’s new
license, both actions which tice what we teach” with
and exciting, and what, if
take an organization through regard to being good stewards
anything, has been challenging
an intensive self-evalua- of our natural resources, the
about working exclusively in
tion process that results in a college’s ultimate goal is to
a distance education format?
renewal of focus and updates transition to a total online
in curriculum and its delivery. delivery system. The faculty
TN: What a delight to join the
CCNH faculty has worked is excited about the opportu-
CCNH family! My expe-
to revise programs to ensure nities this affords to include
riences in a variety of
that the curriculum content more “e-activities” in course-
educational settings and
continues to be current and work that include links to
my own personal interests
that the delivery of that additional information, audio-
and beliefs have converged
curriculum is optimal. lectures, and more immediate
naturally here. It is a very
feedback. These are goals that
comfortable, exciting place
One of the most exciting proj-
take time to fulfill, but the
to be. In particular, my expe-
ects the faculty is taking on is
possibilities are endless!
riences at the college level
to expand CCNH “Natural
in the area of curriculum
Reader Notes.” These consti- CCNH is committed to inter-
and instruction and as an
tute CCNH faculty writings in national leadership in the
instructor at a local ground
specialized knowledge areas. field of natural health. This
campus of a distance-delivery
These will be seen more and calls for a faculty who has
university have helped me
more in CCNH coursework access to the most current
adapt with relative ease to the
and will ultimately constitute research in the field of natural
CCNH setting. The CCNH
major coursework resources. health and that they grow as
family is warm, accepting,
The goal is to publish CCNH researchers and contributors
and resourceful — there is a
work! to that knowledge. The major
commitment to support one
goals for the department’s
HT: The college’s mission, briefly,
another in delivering the best
staff include continuing
is to teach people how to
for students.
to support faculty in their
be healthy so that they may
professional growth and
HT: What is your vision for the
teach others how to be
leadership development. This
newly restructured academic
healthy. How do your plans
translates to better educa-
department at CCNH? Can
and goals for the CCNH
academic department reflect
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