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the bike (who was Australian of course) had me paint the golden lager flowing out of a glass on the fuel tank, golden touches to the fenders, the Fosters Logo on the side panels and to top it all off, she also had a 20 litre plastic foodstuffs barrel mounted on the back rack to keep her spare clothes dry when she was touring. I painted this up as a Fosters beer can, including ring pull, logo and barcode! She actually got stopped by the police as they thought that it was a real beer barrel and that the bike was dangerously overloaded - that has got to say something about how realistic it was! I have to be honest and say that I enjoyed doing that job so much that I wanted to keep it.

the rain stops), and noting color changes and the like. I just get lost in them and that is when my creative juices are at their optimal.

Is there anything that you haven’t painted that you would like to?

Well, you have made this question easy for me. The BODY! I would love to have a go at body painting. I would just like to have a human canvas to see what I could create. I love the curvature of the human anatomy I have seen some awe- some body paintings over the years and the use of the natu- ral shape of the human body just fascinates me. If there is anybody around the Swindon area here in the UK that may read this and is willing to let me paint them, then you can get in touch through my web site.

What other mediums do you use within your work?

If you mean, ‘do I use other implements?’ The answer is very seldom. If needed for an effect I will maybe use a sponge or plastic bag if I think it is called for, but I will not use an eraser or a knife for scratching out highlights. Seriously, I am a great one for detail and I would rather use the airbrush to add something instead of removing paint - you could say that I am a 99.9% airbrusher!

Do you draw inspiration from any other artists?

There are some amazing people out there, but one artist that sticks in my mind and has influenced me from a young age, especially with my early work, is Rodney Matthews. I think his artwork is just phenomenal. The way he uses co- lours and is able to blend them together in my humble opin- ion he is a master. I am however influenced more by organic things, and the sunset is definitely one big inspiration for me. My studio faces south east so I get to see some great ones. For drama though, there is nothing like being in Scotland and seeing a sunset going down between the mountains (when

OK Georgina last question - how did you arrive at your trade name ‘Jo-Bill Spirit’?

Jo-Bill Spirit is in honor of my Mother and Farther Josephine & William. ‘Jo and Bill in Spirit’. There is a saying you never know what you had until it is gone. Both my parents passed away quite close to each other and that was a truly devas- tating time for me. I will always remember their encourage- ment throughout my years of studying and later as I started out trying to make a living as an artist. You can have as much passion as you like, but without people being behind you to give you a push and encouragement the world of art can be very hard. I know that my parents are with me in spirit in ev- erything I do. I am lucky to have married my life-long partner Vincent, and, just like my parents he keeps me motivated, helping me develop ideas and providing support. Once again I would like to thank you on behalf of Airbrush Technique Magazine and our readers for taking time out of KKBO show to talk to me. to see more of her work.

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